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Mint Like New 12" PB 1Ghz/SD/40/768/AE



12" Aluminum PB purchased in Oct. from MacConnection
1GHz / Super Drive / Bluetooth built in / 40gig HD / 768 MB RAM / Airport Extreme Built In
Absolutly perfect condition
Everything as new- all boxes, CDs, manuals, packing, everything!
+ DVI Output
+ 12" Padded Sleeve
+ Worth over 2200.00 and is practically brand new!

I've decided I need a 15" Powerbook for the screen real estate, all offers will be considered as long as it has a DVD-R, superdrive or external.

----1900 OBO and all Trades for a 15"----

Please leave offers here or via email ([email protected]) or on aim (eric0659) as I am looking to complete this asap before college starts in the next few weeks...

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DynastyMac said:
12" Aluminum PB purchased in Oct. from MacConnection
1GHz / Super Drive / Bluetooth built in / 40gig HD / 768 MB RAM / Airport Extreme Built In
Absolutly perfect condition
Everything as new- all boxes, CDs, manuals, packing, everything!
+ DVI Output
+ 12" Padded Sleeve
+ Worth over 2200.00 and is practically brand new!

I've decided I need a 15" Powerbook for the screen real estate, all offers will be considered as long as it has a DVD-R, superdrive or external.

----1900 OBO and all Trades for a 15"----

I'm pretty new here, but I've noticed that most of the prices in this classified section seem out of line.
AppleStore said:
• 1GHz PowerPC G4
• 256MB DDR266 (256MB built-in)
• 40GB Ultra ATA drive @ 4200rpm
• SuperDrive (DVD-R/CD-RW)
• AirPort Extreme Card
• Keyboard/Mac OS - U.S. English
• 12.1-inch TFT Display

Subtotal $1,688.00

I understand that it's 512 MB RAM light, but that could be had at crucial for $110 or so. Even if you got it at the Apple Store (not wise) the price would come to $1950 or so. I guess what I'm asking is whether what he's asking is realistic or whether or not that "OBO" means he's going to come WAY down? I'm new to Macs but you certainly can't expect to get nearly what you payed for a used PC, even if you just sit the box in a corner for a month and sell it still packaged. I'd think it would be harder with Macs since anybody can see what you would pay for an equivalent machine new right now.
Would you expect to purchase a new car, drive it off the lot, park it in your garage for two months and then go out and sell it for what you paid for it? If you do you'll be sorely disappointed.
I don't mean to pick on any single ad. I am new to the Mac world and was considering getting a second Mac to compliment my first. This one just caught my eye because I just bought a new 12" PB so I recognized what looked like a high price to me.


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