Well dude I had the same dilema, have 3 PC's in house and a laptop. Everyone in the house has a computer now and I got me my laptop

. I use my little baby for everything, except for games, which i can play some games but not really the ones I like, I'm into Black Hawk Down, Enemy Territory and Call of Duty, all first person shooters that don't go all well with a laptop. One thing I noticed that I had not noticed before there are a lot of games that when you look at sys requirements they have them for Win & Mac. So it's all good. Another reason that I decided to get a Mac was that I also wanted to have a variety of OS's in house. I have win XP pro, win 2000, Red Hat9 actually getting changed to fedora, SuSE 8.2 soon to change to 9. Now I got me a Panther and seriously out of all of these, I really like this one the most by far. I say get one, you will not regret it.
Oh yeah one other thing, get it with little ram, then purchase more from, well for me I like crucial, very good price and good ram, and a **** of alot cheaper than apple's ram.