Macbook Sleep Problems


Aug 12, 2008
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From what my Google searches have led me to believe, there are a good number of people who have had problems with their Macbook's sleep setting, but I've never seen anyone post the same problems I seem to be having. I've had my Macbook for about year, and its one of the earlier models of Macbook. Up until last week, I haven't had any problems with the sleep settings at all. Now, when I close the screen, the disk whirrs for about 2 minutes, I hear the Start-up noise (with the screen shut) and the iconic Apple symbol on the lid turns on, the disk whirrs again, light turns off, and the cycle starts again. It does this for about 15 minutes before I just shut the computer down all together. When I open the screen, it generally gives me a black screen, sometimes with the pinwheel, sometimes without, and to get any response, I have to tap the power button briefly, which takes me back to the original sign in to user option, instead of just entering my user password like it did earlier.

I've tried changing the pmset hibernatemode, but haven't found any results the fix my problem, but seem to make it worse, shutting down the computer every time I close the screen. I'm concerned, since my AppleCare is expired and I really don't want to have to pay for any kind of logic board repair, and really can't afford a new machine (though I've been lusting after a 15" MBP).
Anybody know anything or should I go see an "Apple Genius" who will most likely just try and sell me a new computer?
Jan 31, 2007
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Your Mac's Specs
Macbook Pro - 15.4" 1680x1050 Antiglare - 2.7Ghz Quad Core i7 - 8GB RAM - 750GB 7200RPM HDD
It seems to me more of a software issue than anything else. Software will always be software and something deep down in your lappy might be corrupted. If you still have your install disks, I recommend backing up what you need and doing a clean install (Erase and install) and see if that fixes your problem. If it doesn't, it's probably safe to say that I am completely wrong and that it is hardware. If it comes to that, by all means take it to a genius. They aren't always out to sell you stuff. They get paid the same either way (at least here they do). They can probably point you in the right direction. I've had some help me out when I'm "just out of warranty" One guy was nice enough to consider 7 months "just out of warranty" :) Good luck.

Trent out


Aug 12, 2008
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Thanks Samurai, I will definitely go this route first. I appreciate it.
Aug 25, 2008
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sleep problem--possible solution

I had a similar problem lately. At first it happened on and off, but now it is persistent. I have a MacBook Intel Duo. OS 10.4.11

MacBook would not sleep when I close monitor lid,
MacBook would not sleep when I select "sleep" from Apple menu

Things I tried:
1. resetting the PRAM (shutdown, startup, immediately press Keys: opt + comm+ P +R all simultaneously till you hear start up noise 2 times, release keys, proceed as normal). :(
2. resetting the SMC (shutdown, detach power cable, remove battery, press Power button 6-10sec, replace battery, powercable, startup), then resetting the PRAM. :Grimmace:
3. Reprogram hibernate mode following procedure described by in windley's link below:

(I reset hibernate mode to 0, won't sleep, reset to hibernate mode =3, won't sleep, tried above after restarting, and verifying hibernate mode setting, still won't sleep!) :Angry-Tongue:

4. Last ditch, try sleep widget:

installed DeepSleep Widget, thinking at least I can put MacBook in hybernation instead of shutting it down each time. This WORKED :) allowing me to put it in hybernation.

Even better, when I used below settings:
press i on widget (bottom right corner of MOON) to flip it for settings.
set normal sleep to "quick" mode (ie. pmset hibernate = 0) and
set widget Sleep to "safe" mode (ie. pmset hibernate = 3).

select the MOON, and IT WORKED!
:D It slept normally, wakes up normally. Only I have to induce sleep by activating the DeepSleep widget and not by closing lid or selecting "sleep"

Hope this lasts! Does anyone understand what is going on?

Thanks all of you...

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