Macbook Penryn 2.4 GHz. iStat Pro says 157 F/68 C. Constantly. On the other hand the bottom does not feel that hot at all. Top cover is slightly warm, most of the time I will not even notice. After I disconnect the power adapter and instntly connect it back again, the temp goes down to 130 F/54 C in about 10 sec and gradually in matter of days it will go back up to 155 F and stay there. So I wonder if a) something is wrong with the power inside the MB or b) the sensor is totally messing it up and iStat Pro is reading the wrong info. I don't believe the problem is with the Airport Card. I already replaced 2 MBs on my third one. Still the same thing...AppleCare has no idea why this is happening. I replaced the macboook once. I am not going crazy about that, but I have another MB that I purchased November last year. It is 2.2 GHz and everything elese is exactly the same (i.e. software installed, processes, memory, hdd..). In exactly the same conditions the temp stays at 119F/48C. Any comments would be appreciated.