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Lot of Apple Laptop Parts.CHEAP!

Jul 6, 2008
Reaction score
In a van down the river.
Your Mac's Specs
933 Mhz Powermac Quicksilver,1.5GB RAM, OSX 10.5, Tangerine 300MHz Clamshell, OS 9.2
Ok so here's the deal: I used to buy and resell apple iBook clamshells and powerbooks on eBay. However I've decided proceeding with such an operation is way too much of a headache since I personally believe eBay has really gone downhill in the past year. ANYWAYS...
I really don't care about getting money for this stuff, I have a really small bedroom and I'm tired of having this big ol' box hogging space up in my room. Make me an offer, ANY offer and just pay for the shipping. There's a whole bunch of Apple Clamshell trackpads (Graphite, Blueberry and one Key Lime), two good clamshell screens *Those alone go for $30 on ebay*, theres a 500MHz Powerbook logic board, it worked when I tested it a couple of months ago, it just needs a new power adapter soldered on. Powerbook trackpad, keyboard that's missing 3 keys (But it's better than nothing right? :p), a whole bunch of clamshell optical drives, a powerbook 500MHz optical drive that worked when I last tested it, an IBM thinkpad t22 keyboard (idk why I have it, but it could double as a frisbee.) a whole bunch of clamshell logic boards (I do not remember if they work or not.) two hard drives and I know one of them is working but it only has like 3GB of memory on it...Funny how quickly a 3GB hard drive has become obsolete...Anyways...There's at least enough parts here to make a couple of decent running laptops if all the parts still work. Of course I don't have any power adapters so I can't guarantee anything but even if half the parts work, you'll be getting a heck of a deal. I cannot stress that any reasonable offer will be considered! I'd like to sell it on here because I'm really REALLY, REALLY tired of EBAY.




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