I was wondering if anyone knew how to properly replace your login panel. I have tried applying a new login panel and custom nib file but it does not display properly. I followed these directions to the letter.
1.)Make a backup copy of the original, if you don't have one already. You may find yourself one day thinking, "Ugh, why did I ever download that?!" and if you don't have backups, you'll be sorry.
2.) Drop the login.nib file into:
3.) Drop all the image files into:
this came from a login panel from resexcellence.com
All this did was move the buttons to distort the login screen. THe displayed image itself did not change.
1.)Make a backup copy of the original, if you don't have one already. You may find yourself one day thinking, "Ugh, why did I ever download that?!" and if you don't have backups, you'll be sorry.
2.) Drop the login.nib file into:
3.) Drop all the image files into:
this came from a login panel from resexcellence.com
All this did was move the buttons to distort the login screen. THe displayed image itself did not change.