• The Mac-Forums Community Guidelines (linked at the top of every forum) are very clear, we respect US law and court precedence when it comes to legality of activity.

    Therefore to clarify:
    • You may not discuss breaking DVD or BluRay encryption, copying, or "ripping" commercial, copy-protected DVDs.
    • This includes DVDs or BluRays you own. Even if you own the DVD or BluRay, it is still technically illegal under the DMCA to break the encryption. While some may argue otherwise, until the law is rewritten or the US Supreme Court strikes it down, we will adhere to the current intent of the law.
    • You may discuss ripping or copying unprotected movies or homemade DVDs.
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Log and Capture FCP question

May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Golden, CO
Your Mac's Specs
White Mackbook 2g ram 2ghz, g3 powerPC 600Mhz, 30g video pod
Ok, so i've used Final Cut Pro HD for awhile. and have never experienced this problem. I recently just purchased a MacBook Pro for editing on the road. And i had to throw a coverage video together really qucikly. So i captured all the video onto my macbook with out the video showing up in the capture window. I've tried nearly everything including audio/video set ups based on my camera and capture method. So when i exported a small web clip you could see the clips, or when playing them in FCP HD you could see the footage. When i made the self-contained version i was not able to see the footage in the clip, and i also couldnt see it when i tried to watch the clips seperately. I tried updates and other methods to try and fix this problem. So basically i need help with figuring out how to get the video importing to show up in the Capture window. As well as how do i get the clips to show up in quick time when i'm trying to watch them outside of FCP! Any help is appreciated thank you!

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