iTunes Authorization

Jul 29, 2008
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Hope you guys can help me. I restored my MacBook and then copies my iTunes library back to its original locations. I can not authorize my music I purchased via iTunes when I had a UK iTunes account. I moved to Australia 12 months ago an then converted my UK iTunes account to Australian. The music I have purchased since being in Australia is authorized and plays ok.

How can I authorize the music I purchased when my account was a UK account?



Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Your Mac's Specs
15" MacBook Pro(5.1), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4Ghz, 2GB RAM, 250GB hdd
I would contact Apple support for iTunes. I have found their customer service to be top-notch. If you can show the music was legitimately purchased, they should be able to do something.

I have had 2 positive support experiences from Apple to date. The first was when I went through a number of computers in a short time and used up the five authorizations for purchased music. I explained the problem and they immediately reset the authorizations to zero. The second was recently when I made the switch from windows and ended up restoring my iPod Touch when I set it up on the macbook. My software upgrade from last January didn't show up (weather, mail, etc..) They suggested I upgraded to 2.0 and they would refund the purchase, as the original upgrade was no longer available. I don't know what levels of service others here have experienced in dealing with Apple support, but for me it has been excellent.

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