iPod Secrets, CNN/Money and Virginia Tech on YML

Jun 11, 2003
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iPod Secrets, CNN/Money and Virginia Tech on YML
September 10, 2003 - 12:09 EDT Your Mac Life (outdated link removed), an Internet-based Mac radio show hosted by Shawn King, has announced its lineup for tonight's broadcast (8:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. ET). This evening Shawn will talk to Chris Breen, author of "Secrets of the iPod"; Paul La Monica, Senior Writer for CNN/Money, who wrote a column last week about Wall Street's lack of understanding and respect for Apple; and Dean of Engineers for Virginia Tech, the man responsible for the G5 supercomputer cluster.

My Comments: Since I just got my iPod it would be interesting to listen to the interview with Chris Breen.

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