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iPhone 3GS 16GB unlocked

Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Tampa , FL
Your Mac's Specs
15" MBP Unibody 2.53Ghz 4GB RAM 250GB HD,VERIZON iPhone 4,SIG P238 ,iPad,6th Gen iPod NANO
I have a 16GB iPhone 3GS unlocked/jailbroken running 3.0.1 This is has the old bootrom so there is no need to re-jailbreak everytime you reboot.
Comes with usb,case and plug the plug is European (you will need to get an adapter), This phone was purchased from Tmobile in Germany, This is not an At&t iPhone, not that it matters because I have unlocked it.

The back of the phone has scratches and after careful examination I noticed some hairline scratches on the glass around the bottom near the home button.

$400 Firm.

Prefer to do a local deal (Tampa FL)







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