internet through cell phone??



hi guys, i have been browsing for a while now on the boards, and they are great!
i am going away on a camp and i have spoken with the directors etc and they said that i am allowed my powerbook! but the only way to get internet is to connect using a cell phone? i currently have a cell phone, it may not be the right one though. do any of yall have any ideas on what i need to connect this way? or any companys that are good etc... im willing to get a new contract/new phone with a different company if thats what needs to be done!


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2
You are going to need a bluetooth capable phone, but do realize that you are going to need an unlimited data plan, or else it can get seriously expensive... And make sure your powerbook is bluetooth enabled.


Go to Smith Micro, they sell a program that uses a USB hook up for a large number of cell phones. I use verison and with a Smith Micro set up and it works great. Your cell provider will also have to have some type of program. My Verison plan alows me to go online as part of my standard minuts, after 9 pm no charge at all.


is there any way to trick the cell phone into thinking its making a regular call so you dont have to have data service. it would be like making a regular call, this would be great of you had free nights.


Theoretically, you could hook it up to the computer and just use a dialup service... I think. You'd need the right connector (the one Jarbo mentioned may work) and a dialup account, like Earthlink/AOL(ew)/NetZero/etc.


do you know where you can get just the cable for that software perhaps i have an older copy of the software i found but not the cable specific for my phone


Did anyone respond ? I need to know this too!

This is exactly what i need to know for going to Europe..Did you get anay answer? Would you share them with me ?

Thanks! sunnyc8

skimac05 said:
hi guys, i have been browsing for a while now on the boards, and they are great!
i am going away on a camp and i have spoken with the directors etc and they said that i am allowed my powerbook! but the only way to get internet is to connect using a cell phone? i currently have a cell phone, it may not be the right one though. do any of yall have any ideas on what i need to connect this way? or any companys that are good etc... im willing to get a new contract/new phone with a different company if thats what needs to be done!




I have yet to find a way to use a cell phone as a dial up, if anyone knows how to do this please enlighten all of us. I have tried just about everything.

I have a 17inch powerbook with built in bluetooth, a Motorola V710 Bluetooth phone as well as the data cable for that phone and I have US Cellular for my carrier. They don't offer a web access package and I have searched the web for a way to use the phone as a dial up with the powerbook and haven't found anything saying how to dial up thru the data cable or the bluetooth. I would love to have the ability to dial up thru my cell phone even if it is only to check my email...

anyone... anyone...


First, I'll say that i do this with my Treo650 using Cingular and I have an unlimited data plan, so it doesn't cost me any money besides the 19.99 i pay for the plan, I want to reiterate that if you DO NOT have a data plan and you use data, then you will be charged extremely high rates, with cingular its 3 cents per kilobyte. so approximately 30 dollars per megabyte, and if you know anything about computers, 1mb isn't much for surfing the net. It is possible to use what is called CSD, which allows you to use your minutes, but your provider must enable this service, in my area, cingular does not support csd, so i use gprs.

I will say this is not easy. It takes work and many failures to actually get it to work. First, terminology might help so that if what i say here doesn't help, you can find more info online, trust me, its there. GPRS is a data service for GSM telephones. GSM providers such as ATT, Cingular, T-mobile, blah, blah. This is also possible with Sprint phones, which can use data, but it isn't called gprs, i'm not sure what its called, i just know its possible. Then you have your CDMA or TDMA phones, which do not have a data plan, so you would have to see if your provider supported CSD which would allow you to make a dial up connection just like you would at your house.

What most of you are going to try to do is called BTDUN. Or bluetooth dial up networking. There are a few things you have to do before you can complete this. The hardest part is finding the user name and password. These are some, but remember these only work with phones with data plans, NOT with phones dialing up.

For Sprint:
Username: "your vision [email protected]"
Password: "your vision password"
(If you don't know those contact sprint tech support and they will help)
Phone number: #777

For Verizon:
Username: "your phone [email protected]"
Password: vzw
Phone Number: #777"

For Cingular:
Username: [email protected]
Password: CINGULAR1
Phone Number: **99***1#

Once you have this, you set up on your mac which user name, pass, and phone number. Then you find the driver. For the motorola people, OSX has one built in, there are many drivers built in, if not just do a google search for your model name and "modem driver". you'll find it, trust me.

Now once you have the driver, and the numbers, pass, that you have a data plan, and your cell phone is paired with the computer, its time to try and connect. Just select the correct profile on the mac, and hit dial. make sure bluetooth is turned on on BOTH devices, and it will do the rest. if you've used the correct driver, and the correct user, pass, and number, you should be connected. if not, welp, you did something wrong, get a diff user name and password.

With the mac, there can be problems with modem scripts. For cingular you are to dial **99***1# but i have to dial wap.cingular if you come across the problem of the number being incorrect, you'll have to spend the google time to find what number you need to type.

Phew. i hope this helps, good luck.
Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Nebraska, USA
Your Mac's Specs
2.0ghz 15" Core Duo MBP

Yep. It works :). I have the same unlimited data plan. Yes, Cingular still sucks arse.
awu_gigabyte said:
First, I'll say that i do this with my Treo650 using Cingular and I have an unlimited data plan, so it doesn't cost me any money besides the 19.99 i pay for the plan, I want to reiterate that if you DO NOT have a data plan and you use data, then you will be charged extremely high rates, with cingular its 3 cents per kilobyte. so approximately 30 dollars per megabyte, and if you know anything about computers, 1mb isn't much for surfing the net. It is possible to use what is called CSD, which allows you to use your minutes, but your provider must enable this service, in my area, cingular does not support csd, so i use gprs.

I will say this is not easy. It takes work and many failures to actually get it to work. First, terminology might help so that if what i say here doesn't help, you can find more info online, trust me, its there. GPRS is a data service for GSM telephones. GSM providers such as ATT, Cingular, T-mobile, blah, blah. This is also possible with Sprint phones, which can use data, but it isn't called gprs, i'm not sure what its called, i just know its possible. Then you have your CDMA or TDMA phones, which do not have a data plan, so you would have to see if your provider supported CSD which would allow you to make a dial up connection just like you would at your house.

What most of you are going to try to do is called BTDUN. Or bluetooth dial up networking. There are a few things you have to do before you can complete this. The hardest part is finding the user name and password. These are some, but remember these only work with phones with data plans, NOT with phones dialing up.

For Sprint:
Username: "your vision [email protected]"
Password: "your vision password"
(If you don't know those contact sprint tech support and they will help)
Phone number: #777

For Verizon:
Username: "your phone [email protected]"
Password: vzw
Phone Number: #777"

For Cingular:
Username: [email protected]
Password: CINGULAR1
Phone Number: **99***1#

Once you have this, you set up on your mac which user name, pass, and phone number. Then you find the driver. For the motorola people, OSX has one built in, there are many drivers built in, if not just do a google search for your model name and "modem driver". you'll find it, trust me.

Now once you have the driver, and the numbers, pass, that you have a data plan, and your cell phone is paired with the computer, its time to try and connect. Just select the correct profile on the mac, and hit dial. make sure bluetooth is turned on on BOTH devices, and it will do the rest. if you've used the correct driver, and the correct user, pass, and number, you should be connected. if not, welp, you did something wrong, get a diff user name and password.

With the mac, there can be problems with modem scripts. For cingular you are to dial **99***1# but i have to dial wap.cingular if you come across the problem of the number being incorrect, you'll have to spend the google time to find what number you need to type.

Phew. i hope this helps, good luck.
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
Gare D' Europa
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Pro (early 2011) 2,2 i7, 4 GB RAM, 750 GB HDD, 1 GB ATI 6750M, High-Res AntiGlare Screen
i can use my cell and a wireless modem.. all i need is to plug it into the USB port... :)

its a Sony Ericsoon Z800i, with a "3" plan :)


I used to use my verizon cell phone on my IBM labtop, but i just switched to the PowerBook. I already have the USB datacable and all the info - i was alwasy connected at night using my free minutes! Anyone have any idea where i can get drivers or whatever so that I can use the phone on my new PowerBook as a dial up modem ? Thanks!!

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