iCal sync with my mobile phone?

Apr 1, 2007
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Hi there,
I'm new here, my name's Jono and I live in London. I have a solo core 1.5ghz mac mini.
I was wondering, is it possible for me to sync my mobile phone calendar (sony ericsson w950i) with iCal? I haven't found any program yet or option on iCal's preference's to do this. Both my phone and my mac have bluetooth so that would really be the ideal way for me to connect.
Thanks a million in advance,


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I'm not sure about your specific phone model, but here is the list of iSync compatible phones (iSync is the program that acts as a conduit between iCal, Address Book, etc). Although there is no mention of that specific model, it seems that other similar models are compatible, so it's worth a try.
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I was going to recommend http://mobile.feisar.com as they make some excellent plugins for SonyEricsson phones and iSync but when I checked the page I saw this:

iSync Support for the Sony Ericsson P990, W950 & M600

Unfortunately creating an iSync Plugin for the M600, P990 or W950 is impossible at the moment because an iSync update from Apple will be required to add support for these phones implementation of SyncML.

These phones all use Symbian OS v9.1 and UIQ v3.0, whereas previous Symbian Sony Ericsson phones such as the older P910 use Symbian OS v7.0 and UIQ v2.1.

Adding this support is well beyond the scope of a simple PhonePlugin, which can only add support for phones very similar to ones already supported natively by Apple.

Why doesn't it work?

The specific issue that stops the M600, P990 and W950 working with iSync is this:

iSync (over Bluetooth) relies on there being something called "OBEX SyncML Client" and (the old way) "OBEX IrMC Sync Server" in the phone. Sony Ericsson's Symbian phones do not have this functionality.

These phones have something called m-router connectivity which is not currently supported by iSync.

For this issue to be resolved, Apple will first have to add m-router connectivity to iSync. Then Apple or a third-party developer can add Phone Plugins to iSync for individual phone models.

Sony Ericsson or a third-party developer could write a separate application with m-router connectivity built-in. But as iSync is an integral part of the Mac OS, it makes sense for Apple to incorporate it into that.

With iSync 2.2 and later Apple have given handset manufacturers the means to create iSync Phone Plugins for their phones. So, in theory, Sony Ericsson could include a Phone Plugin for iSync in the box with the phone at purchase, and Apple and SE are working towards this.

For Symbian phones, however, Apple first has to add the m-router support to iSync. Who knows how far along, or even if they are working on this?

With Mac OS X 10.4.8 just being released, and 10.5 only a few months away, I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes a Leopard feature.

Get More Info

Workaround:A perl script from Thierry Girard is available from here which will convert events/alarms from iCal for the next 24 months to a format that can be sent to the phone.

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