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iBook G3 800 Fully Boxed



Hi Guys,

Ive got my Apple iBook for sale that i bought in january as ive decided to go for a 15" Powerbook instead.

This iBook is in mint condition, was purchased on 08/01/2004 from PC World In Swansea. Item is fully boxed, includes all manuals, discs, software & cables.


iBook G3 12.1" 800mhz
32mb Video Memory
640mb Ram
30gig Hard Disc Drive
CDRW/DVD Combo Drive
Apple Airport Card Installed
56k V.92 Modem
10/100 Network Port
IEEE 1394 Firewire Port
2 x USB1 Ports
Mini VGA Output Socket (Adaptor Included)
Headphone Socket
OSX 10.3.2 Panther Pre Installed

Will Include a 12.1" Crumpler Carry Case & A Neopreme Wrap

Original Purchase Reciept Included

£750 ONO inc Next Day Courier Delivery

Can collect in person aswell if preferred

New to the forum so you can email me for more details, contact details, phone number etc if you want to talk further.

Thanks Guys




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