Hi, my boot disk encountered trouble when using Safari. It suddenly crashed and never booted. I installed OSX 1 on the Firewire Lacie and booted to run the Disk Utility. It found no problems. But when I try to erase or re-partition the HD, it cannot do it since it is not mounting the disk in the computer. I used the startup Unix window fsck –y to check and it says ok, but when I type mount / it says ‘Input/Output error’. When I boot from the firewire via OS 9.2, the disk is mounted but cannot format even with the Diskerase or by TechTool Pro 3.07. I am willing to format the disk and reinstall the programs, but I am unable to access the disk. Please tell me if theres any program like TechTool or Diskwarrior that can fix this problem. Help me plleeeease!!!