Hey, I am going to have a huge iChat, It is where I pick a time, then you IM me at that time, I invite you into the chat, and you invite all of your online buddies, then you tell them to invite all their online buddies, ect... This will be held on Febuary 27th, at 7pm (eastern time) and will last untill 10pm eastern time, (but you can continie to IM as long as you wish.)
If you would like to partisipate, you can e-mail me at [email protected] , included with your e-mail should include your username, so I can remember to IM you when the huge chat starts. You can also IM me at reach9555 (I am always on) and tell me your username so I can remember to IM you.
If you have any questions about this huge chat, e-mail me [email protected] or IM me reach9555 .
I hope there will be a great turnout and am looking forward to seeing 100+ people chatting. Later Days!
If you would like to partisipate, you can e-mail me at [email protected] , included with your e-mail should include your username, so I can remember to IM you when the huge chat starts. You can also IM me at reach9555 (I am always on) and tell me your username so I can remember to IM you.
If you have any questions about this huge chat, e-mail me [email protected] or IM me reach9555 .
I hope there will be a great turnout and am looking forward to seeing 100+ people chatting. Later Days!