I'm hoping that someone can help me with this issue, because it's starting to irritate me.
I have an external HDD hooked up to my iMac and I don't save very much to it, so it gets put to sleep most of the time while I'm working on my computer.
However, when I go to save a document (say Word, or Excel...the applications of which both reside on my iMac and NOT my ext. HDD), my ext. HDD spins ups before I'm given the option of where to save the document.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a waste of time, energy and HDD life?
Why aren't I offered the option of where to save the file, and if it happens to be the ext. HDD, THEN spin up those drives.
I see NO benefit to spinning up those ext. HDD's from sleep, to neither read nor write, and then be put back to sleep 5 minutes later when they've done absolutely nothing.
Is there a way to prevent my ext. HDD's from waking when I not even going to read/write to them?
I'm hoping that someone can help me with this issue, because it's starting to irritate me.
I have an external HDD hooked up to my iMac and I don't save very much to it, so it gets put to sleep most of the time while I'm working on my computer.
However, when I go to save a document (say Word, or Excel...the applications of which both reside on my iMac and NOT my ext. HDD), my ext. HDD spins ups before I'm given the option of where to save the document.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a waste of time, energy and HDD life?
Why aren't I offered the option of where to save the file, and if it happens to be the ext. HDD, THEN spin up those drives.
I see NO benefit to spinning up those ext. HDD's from sleep, to neither read nor write, and then be put back to sleep 5 minutes later when they've done absolutely nothing.
Is there a way to prevent my ext. HDD's from waking when I not even going to read/write to them?