How can I the comments sections in iphoto?

Jul 27, 2005
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I am doing a retirement project for a co-worker whereas all the staff pictures were taken and comments were given to our beloved going away staff.

I was given the task of putting all the pictures together and setting up a nice slide show with music on staff pics and comments to be shown this Friday. I wanted to add comments to the pics on iphotos but it doesnt give me that options.

In iDVd , I can add a slideshow by clicking on the + sign and that takes in to the slideshow whereas i can use features like comments, add music and loop it to play ongoing. For comments, I go to setting and click on see titles and commetns. However, the function I lose is the Ken Burns affects.

Anyone knows how I can add the Ken Burns affects?

Is this the best way of doing this?


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