to show the Hidden files using the terminal type (better yet.. copy/paste) the following:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES;killall Finder
Then to HIDE the "Hidden Files" Type (again, might want to just copy/paste) the following in the Terminal:
defaults delete AppleShowAllFiles;killall Finder
You can also use the
Onyx Parameters to "Show Hidden Files"
To make a hidden Folder that can not be seen do the following:
Make a new folder somewhere easy for you to remember... To do this:
1) Open the finder window go into the "Home" Folder (will place it there).
2) Right click on an empty part of the finder Window.. select "New Folder".
3) Name the folder.. Let's use "p0rn"... Just for fun
4) Now go into the Terminal and type (best to copy/paste) the following:
mv ~/p0rn ~/.p0rn
Press enter after pasting the command
Note the "." in front of the second folder name
5) The folder and any/all of the contents within it are HIDDEN.
Now that the the folder is hidden the easiest way to get back into the contents it open the the Finder window go the the "HOME" folder (see.. No "p0rn" folder)... Now press APPLE+SHIFT+G
A Window will roll out of the top of the finder window that Says: "Go To Folder:" Type the following (don't forget the ".") .p0rn
press ENTER
Viola... you are in your "hidden" folder, and can now access your... um... stuff.
NOTE: Anyone with a little terminal savvy can use the terminal to find hidden files, so it's not exactly secure... though you could drop an encrypted .DMG image in the hidden folder that requires a password... THAT would be hidden, and secure if found.