If you are in a DHCP situation and find your IP address frequently changing, here is an easy way to determine it:
ipconfig getifaddr en0
and an alternate (albeit more convoluted method):
ifconfig en0 inet | grep 'inet ' | awk ' { print $2 } '
If you are behind a router and need your external IP address, issue this command:
wget -q -O /dev/stdout http://checkip.dyndns.org/ | grep 'Current IP Address: ' | awk ' { print $4 } '
(Of course, you would have to have wget installed in order for this to work.)
Here is a shell script for checking your IP address and logging the results to a file:
This script could be added to your crontab in order to check your IP address periodically and log the results to a file.
ipconfig getifaddr en0
and an alternate (albeit more convoluted method):
ifconfig en0 inet | grep 'inet ' | awk ' { print $2 } '
If you are behind a router and need your external IP address, issue this command:
wget -q -O /dev/stdout http://checkip.dyndns.org/ | grep 'Current IP Address: ' | awk ' { print $4 } '
(Of course, you would have to have wget installed in order for this to work.)
Here is a shell script for checking your IP address and logging the results to a file:
#initialize variable
IP=`wget -q -O /dev/stdout <a href='http://checkip.dyndns.org/' target='_blank'>http://checkip.dyndns.org/</a> | grep 'Current IP Address: ' | awk ' { print $4 } '`
# prints current IP to shell
echo $IP
#log it
date >> /private/var/log/ip.log
echo $IP >> /private/var/log/ip.log