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FS: 17" powerbook g4...

Nov 19, 2003
Reaction score
For sale with all included:

Powerbook g4 w/ 1ghz processor
1gb of Apple ram. 60 gb hard drive.
OS 9/ 10.2/ 10.3
Toast 6/ Norton System Utilities (latest version) & Norton System Works!/ APPLE 3 YEAR APPLECARE WARRANTY that still has 2.5 years left on it/ Microsoft Office
X/ All manuals, box, paperwork, connectors, power cables, etc.. are included.
Bluetooth and airport extreme card installed.
Case, monitor, everything scratch free!

Want $3000. Can take a paypal transfer, money order, cash, etc. I will only charge $25 for overnight CONUS shipping. You pay the remainder.

Email to [email protected] or [email protected] (pleae remove the NOSPAM).

I will also consider trades for a high end Windows laptop. I'm doing this because I need a Wintel box with a good graphics card, and because despite all my searching and asking, I cant find how to compress a dvd to meg4 on a mac, yet I can on my Wintel box at home.



Sorry man, but you are high. A brand new 17" with 1.33 is 3 grand.
Nov 19, 2003
Reaction score
jrohrssen said:
Sorry man, but you are high. A brand new 17" with 1.33 is 3 grand.

Yeah, but that doesnt include the 3 year warranty, the Norton Software, the Roxio Toast, the MS Office, the Micromat Techtool, and all kinds of other software that I had to get for it.

Sorry, but I'm NOT high. All the warranty and software would cost about a grand right out of the gate. I reduced the price of the laptop to around $2400 and then added on the warranty and the software at discounted prices. I think this is a **** of a deal. But if you're not interested, fine.

And one more thing to consider. Sure, you could buy a new 1.33 for $3k, but thats all you're going to get. All you're going to get is literally no VISUAL gain in performance. In the Intel world, you'd be paying that extra $700 for less than half of a ghz upgrade in performance. If you HAVE TO HAVE the latest, greatest, more power to ya. But honestly, there is someone out there who would rather spend $3k and get all the exrtra software and warranty, than get the .33 boost in processing speed.



What are the specs on the Wintel box your lookin for? I offered you a desktop, but maybe I can find a laptop to trade you.

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