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For Sale or Trade: Kick booty PC

Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
For Sale or Trade: Complete Dual Monitor/Dual Processor PC system

Ok folks. The time has come. After years being a desktop PC user, I have finally decided to make the switch: from a desktop to a laptop and from a PC to an Apple.

Please muffle the various gasps of horror and/or amusement that you might be exuding.

The reasons for the are various and many but suffice it to say I have lately found myself enamored with a certain little iBook, which shall remain, um, nameless.

In the meantime, I am putting my beloved PC on the block for sale or trade to the most worthy home. Let's take a look at what she's packing:


Within that sleek, brushed aluminum case you will find the following:

  • Dual Pentium 3 processors, each running at 1 gigahertz on an Asus motherboard
  • 512 megabytes of RAM
  • Approximately 110 gigabytes of hard drive space
  • DVD+R/W drive (which I am using at this very moment, as I type this, to rip and copy a DVD)
  • Dual NVidia graphics cards, each having 64 megabytes of video RAM, with TV/DVI outs
  • Linksys 802.11b wireless PCI card
  • USB 2.0 PCI card, sporting 2 ports
  • 2 additional rear USB ports, and 2 more in the front
  • Ethernet PCI card
  • Soundblaster PCI sound card
  • 3 case fans, with the side one accented by built-in blue LED's
  • Blue neon tube, customizable to pulse to sound
  • Transparent side, all the better to see the rounded drive cables
But is that all? Nope.


The computer comes with the following:

  • 17" monitor
  • 15" monitor, both being able to be used on the computer at once creating a massive desktop
  • HP multifunction printer/scanner/copier
  • Microsoft Wireless Desktop, including optical mouse and multimedia keyboard
  • Logitech 2.1 sound system, featuring 2 desktop satellite speakers and 1 floor sub-woofer
  • D-Link webcam
  • USB Graphics Tablet, compatible with Photoshop and all major graphics programs
  • More software than you will know what to do with, including the latest versions of Windows, Office, Adobe CS, and many more (did someone say Maya?)
Now, here are my terms:

Everything you see above is available for sale at $1000, firm. Or...

I am willing to consider a trade of the entire package you see above for an Apple iBook or PowerBook laptop of acceptable power and configuration. Email me your specs and we will hash it out. For the right deal, I may have an accessory or two to sweeten the deal. (Here's a hint: Sony made it and it originally cost in the neighborhood of $500.)

Interested parties can send email here.
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score

Ok, here goes. It's time to sweeten the deal a bit. The above mentioned ad mentions a certain Sony item which could be added to the overall system. Well, consider it officially added.

The item in question is a Sony Clie NX-70 PDA. Nearly a computer in itself, this unit features the following:

  • Palm OS 5.0
  • 200 mhz ARM-compliant processor
  • 16 Megs of internal memory, along with additional 128 Meg Memory Stick
  • Internal Li-Ion rechargeable battery
  • Compact Flash slot to house optional memory cards or accessories, such as WiFi
  • Enhanced infrared port for increased beaming distance
  • Targus Compact Flash 56k Modem
  • QWERTY keyboard when used in clamshell mode
  • Swiveling screen to use as a normal PDA with stylus
  • Bright Transflective TFT color display with backlight
  • Built-in speaker/headphone jack
  • Built-in digital still/video camera
  • Brushed magnesium case (matches computer from above!)
  • Native software includes Picture Viewer/Editor, Voice Recorder, MP3 Player, Alarm Clock, Movie Player, Flash Player, Remote Control, all in addition to the usual fare of Palm applications. Additionally, there are numerous free applications and e-books included on disc.
  • Sony soft carrying case




I have used this unit extensively for organization, MP3 player, and for watching movies on the go. The unit has no cosmetic defects of any kind and the screen is in perfect condition.

Interested parties should PM or email me at [email protected] with the details of your offer. Again, I am looking to sell the entire set-up for $1000 (USD), but would really prefer to trade for a comparably equipped iBook or PowerBook. This minimizes the time I am without a computer in front of me.
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
The entire system advertised above is.....(drum roll, please) SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the interested queries!

I will be going through all my spare PC parts in the coming days and (ahem) parting with them as well. Is there anything anyone is looking for? I know I have at least one spare DVD-ROM and possibly a CD-R/W. There are also various RAM sticks, 2 power supplies, an ATX case, a couple of keyboards, some various mice (wired and wireless).

I could probably build myself a complete PC with what is left, but that still goes against the point of what I am trying to do in the first place, though if anyone has a desktop Mac they want to part with, I will discuss trade options if they are looking for spare PC parts.

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