• The Mac-Forums Community Guidelines (linked at the top of every forum) are very clear, we respect US law and court precedence when it comes to legality of activity.

    Therefore to clarify:
    • You may not discuss breaking DVD or BluRay encryption, copying, or "ripping" commercial, copy-protected DVDs.
    • This includes DVDs or BluRays you own. Even if you own the DVD or BluRay, it is still technically illegal under the DMCA to break the encryption. While some may argue otherwise, until the law is rewritten or the US Supreme Court strikes it down, we will adhere to the current intent of the law.
    • You may discuss ripping or copying unprotected movies or homemade DVDs.
    • You may discuss ripping or copying tools in the context that they are used for legal purposes as outlined in this post.

Final Cut Express HD Additional Content

Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hello, Everyone.
I have a MacBook Pro 2.33 MHz Dual Core, and I installed Final Cut Express HD and all the additional content from the DVD's provided. And...WOW...that took up a lot of space. I then went out and bought a WD MyBook Pro (500 GB connected to my Firewire 800 port). Is there a way I can transfer all the additional Final Cut Express HD Content over to the MyBook without "uninstalling/reinstalling" (such Windows terminology...I feel ashamed)? Where is the additional content stored on the MacBook Pro anyways?

Thanks for advice (in advance).

Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
Your Mac's Specs
Late 2015 5K iMac 4ghz 32gb 4gb Graphics - Late 2011 17" MacBook Pro 2.4ghz quad i7 16gb ram
I think I have your answer, but I and mostly everyone else wouldn't recomend you puting everything on your external hd, they always say to have all programs on your internal hd. You should import all video content onto the external hd. But if you have no choice then here's the page that tells you everything that is final cut related. http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=301182

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