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F/S or trade M Station 2.1 Orb *Black*

Nov 4, 2006
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook 2.4Ghz 4Gig Ram 250Gig HD
Hey now I got this about 2 months ago it works great but I'm wanting an express +iTunes so I'm selling the orb for 85 bucks or trading for an express w/cables? or an old extreme(spaceship). This is an impressive and attractive speaker dock system it comes with a remote and 8 different ipod docks thingys. It'l accommodate any model you got! Comes with usb so you can sync from your mac or other kind of computer. I've still got the original box and all the connectors all but one are still in the original packaging. This sounds very good and the remote is awsome it has bass and trebble controls heres a link to view the specs. It looks really good in my living room but I want ot get something I can use w/ my printer too and this thing won't do that for me. PM or ask away I'll try to remember to check this forum. If you know anything about the orb it got really good reviews. The bass is very good and the sound is full and fills my living room pretty well. Let me know. Hasta

Oh yeah and it cost $129 new so someone could get it for a steal;D
Nov 4, 2006
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook 2.4Ghz 4Gig Ram 250Gig HD
Oh, hello its me again! I just realized that people may think I'm a hustler and or a grifter of sorts because I've never sold anything on this site so I guess you can check my eBay profile I'm not sure exactly how you can dothat but I'll figure it out and edit this later but if you're impatient like I am my ebay name is steveneleven and I've sold more than 100 things on there but most of those were ladies shoes, I don't have time to explain that one but my feedback should still be 100%. hasta

Just click on my user name or on steveneleven Wala!
Nov 4, 2006
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook 2.4Ghz 4Gig Ram 250Gig HD
Its up and for sale on eBay!! I think there's three days left on it. I would much rather one of you all from this forum pick it up just cuz I think a Mac user deserves it more. In fact if one of you all do win it let me know and I'll ship it for free. Gotta take care of the community, right?

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