Madmacs said:
I really need to know. I have an assignment I'm doing, absolutely no idea what to do. I have chosen to recommand macs, as they are good for video/audio production, but I have no idea what to do from there. What mac should I recommend for a wedding photography, and movies? What software would be need for very good quality productions? What hardware, what operating system? Can anyone help?
You could easily use a G4, like a dual 1.25 or something. Obviously a G5 would be best, as it's the fastest out there.
If you want to get into true audio production, you should check out They create both the hardware and software for Protools. It's pretty much one of the best pieces of audio software, but it is hardware based as well. For about 350 you can buy somethin called the mbox which has 2 ins, 2 outs, and 1 moniter and it comes with protools. If you need something much more advanced you can buy an 002 fo about a grand.
For video production, final cut pro 4 for editing.
Any titling could be done using livetype that comes with final cut, but I'd probably recommend After Effects for both titling and "special effects." You can really do alot more with AE; filters etc..than can make such a huge difference in yer video.
And finally Photoshop is a must for digital picture editing.