The free movie editor Handbrake will let you crop top/bottom/sides.
When you open your movie in Handbrake, click the "Dimensions" tab (which is next to the default "Summary" tab), then look on the left of the window where you'll see "Orientation & Cropping" options (flipping, rotation, and cropping).
Cropping defaults to "Automatic"; you'll select "Custom", and you can put in the number of pixels you want removed on the left, the right, the top, and the bottom. ("Display size", just above these options, tells you the total number of horizontal and vertical pixels you're dealing with.)
After you've guessed at the cropping you think you want, click back on "Summary" again and you'll see how much is going to be cut off; if it's too much or not enough, go back and play with Custom Cropping some more.