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Dual 867Mhz G4 PowerMac w/ 15" Apple LCD display



Dual 867Mhz G4 PowerMac w/ 15" Apple LCD display - LOWERED PRICE

I have a barely used Dual 867 Mhz G4 PowerMac and 15" Apple LCD studio display for sale. It includes: 1 GB of PC2100 DDR SDRAM, 60 GB hard drive, CD-RW/DVD combo drive, nVidia Geforce4 MX, Apple Airport card, Mac OS X 10.2.6, Apple Pro Keyboard and Mouse as well as a Microsoft IntelliPoint 2-button optical mouse (for those of you who like two buttons instead of just one!). I also include all original software/cables/documents. I only used the system for about 6 months, and only used it for internet surfing and occasional gaming. The display is also in pristine condition, and makes an excellent mate to this wonderful computer. I am asking $1500 (plus $50 for shipping), but will take offers into consideration. Also, I will separate the two.. $1250 for the computer (plus $50 shipping), and $300 for the display (plus $25 shipping) - so it's a deal to buy them both! Thanks a lot for looking!



I will trade you photoshop 7 for your monitor.

I will trade you photoshop 7 for your monitor, with books,box and training cd.

email me at [email protected]


Do you still have your computer stuff for sale? I have a powermac g4 450 with 512mb ram 100 gig, new sony vaio 1.8ghz 768 mb ram and all it needs is a hard drive as I took it out to put in the g4, and a 17" proview flatscreen monitor looking to trade for ? or similar to your items!


I have a Toshiba DVD-R/W in an external Firewire enclosure, I'll also throw in a 20gig hard drive as well. I would like to get that Apple LCD monitor. One question though, I have a Sawtooth mac, will I be able to use this monitor? My AGP bus does NOT supply power, so the monitor has to have a way to power it externally.



I may be interested in your offer. Is it 1734Mhz altogether or just 867Mhz? will you be able to ship it to Hong Kong??

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