Dropped iMac G3



I dropped my iMac G3 500 mghz flower power. The screen is now crooked. I cant adjust it enough to make it square. Does anyone work on iMacs and know what might be the problem. Is it worth trying to fix? What if I found a good used iMac, would I be able to swap cases so I could keep the flower power case?

Any help would be appreciated. I am truly heartbroken.


The good news is that since the iMac is working enough that you can use the monitor adjustments then it is probably not beyond help. However, it will probably mean a trip to the mac service center. Service centers have access to utilities that are not available to users. One of these is a specialized monitor adjustment program. If that can't do it then the iMac has to be opened up. Since the tube can store a strong electrical charge this is a job that really must be left to experienced people with the specific tools. CRT monitors are basically a fancy TV and they have mechanical adjustment controls just like TVs. The techie will use these adjustors to get the CRT back within normal range and then the software makes the final adjustments.



Thanks so, so much.

There is a guy locally who is certified to work on macs. I will give him a call. Wasnt sure it would be worth trying to fix. It didnt fall far or hard. Just off the chair onto the carpeted floor. Didnt even crack the case.

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