Yes you need toast 6 or 5 for making a perfect coppy witch wil work fine and i guess apple disc copy would work to.
As for backing up your DVD's or for your other house (witch i guess is legal here in holland at least) you could best use DVD2oneX wich is comercial and you can get a trial version at witch is a perfect program for it. Exept that there are some DVD's that do have another encription on it witch DVD2oneX does not recognize. DVD remaster is somewhat the same to DVD2oneX. Then you stil need toast (also commercial software) to burn your resulting video_ts folder. This procedure works fine with me.
However i could use some help: I am a great fan of the X-men movies and i bought the 4 disc special (x-men 1&2) but i don't want to use my original DVD's with the risk of damaging them. However disc 2 does not let itself be backed up, can anyone help me? This is as far as i know legal to do in holland (where i live).
For the webmaster: This is my first post and i hope i understand your rulez well witch i want to respect otherwise let me know.