i figured this was the best place to put this thread due it really being about working with the operating system. sorry if it is in the wrong place though.
due to recession, i will be out of my job as the 12th march and i use a macbook given to me by my work . but it looks like they want it back before i leave and i really dont trust the I.T guy from my head office so i want to make sure i can get everything off it before it goes back as it does have a personall stuff on it . i have had the mac book for about 3 years now and it has quite alot of personal stuff all over the place . ideally the way to clean it would be to use the install disc and start a fresh , but i dont have access to it and although the I.T guy will use it to clean it, i dont trust that he wont have snope around before he wipes it clean.
so the obvious part will be clearing all stuff from my desktop and documents, music , pictures and movies.
then i will delete the keychain and create a new one . i will then remove all the apps that i have installed on the machine. but is there anything else. i have been looking though the library and noticed the application support folder and witin that it has folders for all the apps i have installed , so im assuming i should delete the folders for the apps i have installed, but is there anything else i need to get rid.
once its all off i have a program that that will write and wipe all off the free space . so that will be the final thing i do , but i just want to make sure i can get rid of everything i can
much appreciated for any help
due to recession, i will be out of my job as the 12th march and i use a macbook given to me by my work . but it looks like they want it back before i leave and i really dont trust the I.T guy from my head office so i want to make sure i can get everything off it before it goes back as it does have a personall stuff on it . i have had the mac book for about 3 years now and it has quite alot of personal stuff all over the place . ideally the way to clean it would be to use the install disc and start a fresh , but i dont have access to it and although the I.T guy will use it to clean it, i dont trust that he wont have snope around before he wipes it clean.
so the obvious part will be clearing all stuff from my desktop and documents, music , pictures and movies.
then i will delete the keychain and create a new one . i will then remove all the apps that i have installed on the machine. but is there anything else. i have been looking though the library and noticed the application support folder and witin that it has folders for all the apps i have installed , so im assuming i should delete the folders for the apps i have installed, but is there anything else i need to get rid.
once its all off i have a program that that will write and wipe all off the free space . so that will be the final thing i do , but i just want to make sure i can get rid of everything i can
much appreciated for any help