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AppleCare what a rip-off



Well over break my Mac wouldn't get past the gray start-up screen, and I determined this was because of data corruption (specifically in a startup script). I didn't have my install DVD which came with my Mac, or the Panther update CDs with me (I left them at school). Well I called Apple after not being able to find a fix that didnt require me starting up from a disk and was told to help me troubleshoot over the phone I had to either pay $49 or purchase the Apple care protection plan for $199.


Since I've had my computer for over 90 days, they wanted me to pay a lot of money for some help.

This is a ridiculous way for Apple to make more money. When I buy a Mac for $2200 I would expect more help than this. C'mon Apple.

Needless to say I didn't give them any money, and didn't use my comp until I got back to school. With my disks it took me less than twenty minutes to fix my computer, thank god I didn't pay $49.

Related Issue:
When my girlfriend returned to school her Dell didn't work, and she spent approximately 10 hours on the phone with Dell. They couldn't fix it that way so they are sending a person out to check it. All this was free, not $199.

Now, this makes clear to me two things:
1) Dell isn't trying to rip off it's customer by making them PAY for support.
2) Macs are much easier to fix.

Anyone, my point is paying for customer support is ridiculous.


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Dec 24, 2002
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Los Angeles, California
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14in MacBook Pro M1 Max 32GB 2TB
Now, this makes clear to me two things:
1) Dell isn't trying to rip off it's customer by making them PAY for support.
2) Macs are much easier to fix.

Anyone, my point is paying for customer support is ridiculous.

What you said does not make since to me. Apple care is like insurance. If my flat screen on my Powerbook, or iMac sent out. it would cost more than a thousand dollars to replace. With Apple care it is paid for.

As for statements above, not knowing anything about Del, and there service plan. I can not make a fair comment.

But I can on Apple from all of the things I have read and my own experience. I find that you wanted to try to force a fix with out the proper tools. But that is just my quarter.
Dec 30, 2002
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Sunny So Cal
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That kind of tech support you can find here at Mac-Forums. We can help with anything from software to hardware troubleshooting, and we do it for FREE! It's not as good as having a tech come to your place, but I feel safe to say that we have some great moderators who know what they're talking about.

As rman said, for $199, if your Motherboard fries tomorrow, Apple will replace it. All you would have to pay for is shipping. I see it as more of an insurance plan with Apple. Its something you hate paying for because Macs usually just work with no problems, but when you need it, you'll be glad you paid for it.
Jul 22, 2003
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Hamilton College
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20" iMac C2D 2.16ghz, 13" MacBook 2.0ghz, 60gb iPod vid, 1gb nano
when i got my powerbook in july i got the applecare and it actually worked out to be almost free. by getting the applecare there they installed my airport card and memory for free and with the student discounts it worked out to be something like 20 dollars for the apple care somehow.

I thankfully have had no reason to use the apple care because I have had no major problems and what little problems occurred I just ask here


Alright, AppleCare as insurance is fine, but paying for tech support is still ridiculous.
Dec 30, 2002
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Sunny So Cal
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Thurgik said:
Alright, AppleCare as insurance is fine, but paying for tech support is still ridiculous.

well they do have a huge support forum and knowledge base solutions available on their site. and if you go to an Apple store, you can ask one of the Apple Geniuses there for free.


But you can't check out the site if your Mac doesn't start-up. LOL. And the closest Apple store in Central PA is about 2 hours away. Luckily I have several Mac Tech friends so I never really worry about anything. But saying that there are great forums and sites that can help - it's kind of like getting a VCR tape on how to fix your VCR - or even better - when you call your internet provider and the put you on hold you hear "For answers to most questions please check out our website." That one really pisses me off.
Jun 11, 2003
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Mount Vernon, WA
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MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM OS 10.5.2
I can understand why they do that though since many people have more than one computer in their household.. if not.. you stay on the line and wait for someone to pick up :) It used to bug me also, until I had more than one computer in my house.. then I understaood a little more :)
Dec 30, 2002
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Sunny So Cal
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i have 4 running comps in my house (2 macs, 2 PeeCees) .. and its a single bedroom apt!
Jan 20, 2004
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Powerbook G4 15"
I have just switched to apple and love it. I was using a dell pc with a 3 year on site warrenty that I had to use twice in 3 years. Right after my warrenty ran out I found out that my computer that was supposed to have an intel pIII only had an intel PII processor. Dells idea of customer service was a 100.00 credit. I know the machine was three years old but how many other dell owners have had the same problem and just never found out. My point is to both know what you are sent and just because dell will send someone to your house to fix your computer.....they may not be fixxing what you actually paid for. I will never buy dell again.


missingbite said:
I have just switched to apple and love it. I was using a dell pc with a 3 year on site warrenty that I had to use twice in 3 years. Right after my warrenty ran out I found out that my computer that was supposed to have an intel pIII only had an intel PII processor. Dells idea of customer service was a 100.00 credit. I know the machine was three years old but how many other dell owners have had the same problem and just never found out. My point is to both know what you are sent and just because dell will send someone to your house to fix your computer.....they may not be fixxing what you actually paid for. I will never buy dell again.

R U Retarded? You are lucky you got that $100! My god.
Jul 22, 2003
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Hamilton College
Your Mac's Specs
20" iMac C2D 2.16ghz, 13" MacBook 2.0ghz, 60gb iPod vid, 1gb nano
I have a pretty good and bad applecare experience in one

Last week I went to take out my powerbook battery and it was jammed in with the slide ejector not working
I took the powerbook to the apple store with my applecare info. they shipped it out the next day (monday)
wednesday it shows up at my door (they said around 7-10 business days). I open it up and the battery problem is still there and its got some scratches and dents.
Back to the apple store....same support person who helped me the first time and he said the scratches and dents definitely were not there when i first came in. He fills out a report telling them to replace the outer casing and casing around trackpad. shipped thursday. monday its back and it looks brand new with no problems

so all in all i got it back before the initial repairs were scheduled to be done and its better than it was before there were problems

best part was no charges because of the apple care.

the first repair would have been 110 bucks and the second 310 without applecare


I really want to get applecare....but I don't have any money right now. I'm just hopping I am one of the majority that doesn't really have any problems with their mac, and can get by with only coming here for lesser problems. Or maybe applecare will get cheaper...though I can get a student discount probably.
Feb 2, 2004
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dziner said:
But you can't check out the site if your Mac doesn't start-up. LOL. And the closest Apple store in Central PA is about 2 hours away.

Hey dziner, I live in Central PA as well...I know there is an Apple Store in the KoP Mall and that is a bit of a haul from Harrisburg, but there is a store called MacHeads in Lancaster and its only about a 30 -45 minute drive compared to a 2 hour long journey. Plus they are an authorized Apple reseller and repair center.

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