apple script to greet me off stand by

Apr 10, 2007
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Hello, I have put together an applescript ( from pieces of other peoples scripts and a bit of my own. Upon boot the script tells me the date and time, says hello, checks my email and notifies me of new messages. It also opens my favorite programs. What I would like to write now is a similar script that will do most of this when the computer comes off standby. What I don't know/can't seem to find is how to begin the script. I assume it needs to be triggered by the same event that "wakes the computer up" but that could be wrong to. I guess what I need to know is how to trigger the script. Its probably obvious but I am very green at this so if I have asked a bad or unclear question please let me know. Also, I am posting the original script for anybody that wants it to use. Thanks --Jake

set theDate to current date
set theDay to weekday of theDate
set theTime to time of theDate

if the theTime > 0 and the theTime < 43200 then say ¬
"Good morning Jake! It's " & theDay & "."
if the theTime > 43199 and the theTime < 57600 then say ¬
"Good afternoon Jake!"
if the theTime > 57599 and the theTime < 64800 then say ¬
"Good evening Jake!"
if the theTime > 64799 and the theTime < 86400 then say ¬
"It's " & theDay & " night."
say "the time is"
say (time string of (current date))
delay 2
tell application "Terminal" to activate
tell application "Safari" to activate
tell application "Firefox" to activate
tell application "Finder"
if the (count of windows) is not 0 then
set collapsed of every window to true
end if
end tell

tell application "Mail"
check for new mail

set unreadCount to unread count of inbox

if unreadCount is equal to 0 then say ¬
"You have no new messages!"
if unreadCount is equal to 1 then say ¬
"You have a new message!"
if unreadCount is greater than 1 then say ¬
"You have " & unreadCount & " new messages!"
delay 2
tell application "Finder"
if the (count of windows) is not 0 then
set collapsed of every window to true
end if
end tell

say "script successfully completed"
end tell

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