What, "Shut Down" isn't sufficiently clear and self-explanatory? ;p
(From what I observe, generally, people say "close" or "quit" when it comes to apps
but usually only use the term "shut down" when it comes to the whole computer.)
Oh, and about the prank thing, I was just kidding... or was I now? XD
Oh right, now it's much clearer! I couldn't find that weird "Apple Key" anyway!
Actually, it's strange.
Mac keyboards have all the modifier keys clearly labeled with their names:
option, control, shift, etc. (in contrast to PC keyboards, which uses weird abbreviations like "ctrl" and "alt")
And yet, for THE most important modifier key of the Mac keyboard, they don't label it;
they just put an Apple on one side and a cloverleaf thingger on the other.