have a 20" G5 Imac 2 GHz, 2 GB Ram, ATI Radeon 9600 128 MB VRAM running OS 10.4.8
He has 20" Intel Core 2 Duo Imac 2.33 GHz, 2 GB Ram, ATI Radeon X1600 256 MB VRAM running OS 10.4.9
Hi Everyone---we have a very simple network setup. (2) imacs sitting eight feet apart, two airport cards. The oldest imac is set up to connect online through an ethernet cable and dsl line, newer imac connects to internet wirelessly using airport to older imac/setup. This configuration worked flawlessy for the first couple of months. Then, all of a sudden, the newer imac could not send or recieve email, but still could connect to browse the web with Firefox. Now, the newer imac can no longer connect to the internet at all with the airport card. If the newer imac is connected directly via an ethernet cable into the DSL modem, there is no problem. And, the newer imac "sees" the airport network of the older imac, no problem, strong signal.
I've spent hours today scouring the web, only to discover this is not an uncommon occurrence, so I decided to call Tech Support, because I need to spend some time on other things today!
I called Apple Support and talked to "Dave", who was very helpful, even though my "90 day free support" had passed (Newer imac purchased 10/31/07) and kept me engaged in conversation. He did not have me do any of the "regular" stuff, like repair permissions ect ect ect and seemed to know more than he was telling me. Dave asked me to hold and was gone for almost ten minutes. He returned to tell me he had just had an "extended converstation with his supervisor" and was sorry to say that he was told to tell me that my ad hoc configuration was "RARE" and even though Apple SELLS these machines by FEATURING this capability, Apple offers NO SUPPORT for this, and he could not help me.
I asked him if this was an issue with the "software" (router) in one of the airport cards, and he said "probably". I asked him what Apple recommended as a "solution" and he said "use hardware for the router".
I asked him what would happen if I took both computers to an apple authorized service provider and he said they would check the airport cards. If each computer could pick up an airport signal, Apple's position is that the cards are okay. He apologized and said, "unfortunately, I understand your frustration. This is the ugly side of the business." He was very nice and I thanked him.
I've tried going the other way...accessing the internet wirelessly from the old imac, with the ethernet connection to DSL on the newer imac. The older imac sees the airport signal fine from the newer imac, but still cannot connect to the internet.
So, I have two imacs, with airport cards that can both pickup a wireless signal. It is pretty clear that Dave (and APPLE) know its a software issue, but according to their policy, my airport cards are "fine". I can't believe I'm RARE with this setup! It also seems I'm not the only one with the problem!
I'd like to know if anyone here has any other suggestions to make this work...would that little $1.99 gizmo help?
Is it possible something got "corrupted" in preferences somewhere?
Do I need to manually configure ip addresses?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated! Right now, I've got the older imac online with my old dialup modem and ISP...glad I didn't cancel that, even though it's been on my list for months! The newer imac is on the DSL, but it bites that we can't share it.
Most kindly,
He has 20" Intel Core 2 Duo Imac 2.33 GHz, 2 GB Ram, ATI Radeon X1600 256 MB VRAM running OS 10.4.9
Hi Everyone---we have a very simple network setup. (2) imacs sitting eight feet apart, two airport cards. The oldest imac is set up to connect online through an ethernet cable and dsl line, newer imac connects to internet wirelessly using airport to older imac/setup. This configuration worked flawlessy for the first couple of months. Then, all of a sudden, the newer imac could not send or recieve email, but still could connect to browse the web with Firefox. Now, the newer imac can no longer connect to the internet at all with the airport card. If the newer imac is connected directly via an ethernet cable into the DSL modem, there is no problem. And, the newer imac "sees" the airport network of the older imac, no problem, strong signal.
I've spent hours today scouring the web, only to discover this is not an uncommon occurrence, so I decided to call Tech Support, because I need to spend some time on other things today!
I called Apple Support and talked to "Dave", who was very helpful, even though my "90 day free support" had passed (Newer imac purchased 10/31/07) and kept me engaged in conversation. He did not have me do any of the "regular" stuff, like repair permissions ect ect ect and seemed to know more than he was telling me. Dave asked me to hold and was gone for almost ten minutes. He returned to tell me he had just had an "extended converstation with his supervisor" and was sorry to say that he was told to tell me that my ad hoc configuration was "RARE" and even though Apple SELLS these machines by FEATURING this capability, Apple offers NO SUPPORT for this, and he could not help me.
I asked him if this was an issue with the "software" (router) in one of the airport cards, and he said "probably". I asked him what Apple recommended as a "solution" and he said "use hardware for the router".
I asked him what would happen if I took both computers to an apple authorized service provider and he said they would check the airport cards. If each computer could pick up an airport signal, Apple's position is that the cards are okay. He apologized and said, "unfortunately, I understand your frustration. This is the ugly side of the business." He was very nice and I thanked him.
I've tried going the other way...accessing the internet wirelessly from the old imac, with the ethernet connection to DSL on the newer imac. The older imac sees the airport signal fine from the newer imac, but still cannot connect to the internet.
So, I have two imacs, with airport cards that can both pickup a wireless signal. It is pretty clear that Dave (and APPLE) know its a software issue, but according to their policy, my airport cards are "fine". I can't believe I'm RARE with this setup! It also seems I'm not the only one with the problem!
I'd like to know if anyone here has any other suggestions to make this work...would that little $1.99 gizmo help?
Is it possible something got "corrupted" in preferences somewhere?
Do I need to manually configure ip addresses?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated! Right now, I've got the older imac online with my old dialup modem and ISP...glad I didn't cancel that, even though it's been on my list for months! The newer imac is on the DSL, but it bites that we can't share it.
Most kindly,