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17 in PB w/ 1 gig of ram, superdrive, and many accessories!



Ok first off let me just tell everyone I am a college professor that used this laptop for some benchmarking purposes, and it is in mint condition. Here are the powerbook's specs:
1 Ghz G4
1 Gig of ram
1x Superdrive
17 inch widescreen display
GeForce 4 Go w/ 64 mb video memory
Firewire 400 and 800
bluetooth and airport extreme built in
Running 10.3 Panther (will also ship with 10.2 software)
17 inch widescreen display

Next is the software:
OS X 10.2
OS X 10.3
Roxio Toast Titanium 6
Microsoft Office v.X
Virtual PC 6.1
and a few more

And now the accessories:
AirPort Extreme basestation w/ Dr. Bott ExtendAIR Omni antenna
Bluetooh Keyboard and mouse (apple brand, white color)
Sonica Theater USB sound card
iGo, iJuice power adapter for additional AC, and DC connections
JBL creature speakers (silver)

Every item listed above is in perfect condition cosmetically and functionally. All prodects will ship in their retail boxes with all original manuals, cords, and connectors. Due to some of my recent internet transactions I will be using escrow unless the buyer wants to pay first, and have me ship as soon as payment clears with my bank.

If you have any questions or want some pictures, please feel free to e mail me at [email protected]

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