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Discount on Shutterbug & ImageWell

Mar 2, 2007
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Xtralean Software is having their 3rd Annual Father’s Day Sale beginning today and running through Sunday, June 17th, where you can get Shutterbug and the award-winning ImageWell (with Xtras) for $29.95 – a 45% savings!

To get the special Father’s Day Sale price, simply go to the XtraLean Store and be sure to enter the code SBFATHER in the coupon code field at the bottom. Once the purchase is complete, you’ll immediately receive two serial numbers via email.

(regularly $39.95) is the ultimate website creation tool that will help you create and publish a stylish website easily, quickly, and custom built to your specific and personalized needs. Blogs, movie pages, photo albums and more right at you fingertips. You can design your own pages or use one of the many built-in themes - which are all easily customizable.

is the indispensable, lean image editor that lets you quickly and easily edit, resize, and send your pictures and files to your FTP or .Mac site, with one simple click of a button. And to make like in Web forums easy, it even copies the Web address of the image uploaded and puts forum code or HTML tags along with the address right on your clipboard where you can simply paste it into your forum discussions. The Xtras (regularly $14.95) offer even more handy features such as batch resize, batch watermark, and much more.

Don’t forget, in order to get the discount on Shutterbug and the free ImageWell Xtras, you must use the code SBFATHER in the coupon code box when making your purchase.

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