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2009 Macbook Pro w/several upgrades.

Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Hello All,

I'm fairly new to this forum and I've come here seeking to sell my Macbook Pro. The reason for my sale is because I'm a student and I'd like to get a Macbook AIR instead. I need something very very light.

I've kept this laptop in great condition. There ARE MINOR (Very minor) scratches from normal wear and tear but other then that, the laptop is in excellent condition.

I have made several upgrades which include a:

1. 500gb Seagate Momentus XT hybrid hard drive.
2. Upgraded ram DDR3 8gb.

* I have also put a palm rest cover that outlines the palm area as well at the keyboard to absorb dirt, sweat, and prevent/minimize the infamous heating issues from the laptop. This can be removed at any time without any leftover residue or anything like that. (According to the label on the package).

I am asking $850 for the laptop.I will only accept payments through pay-pal or if you are local, we can meet at a local coffee shop.

I am located in Southern California. Los Angeles & Inland empire regions are best.

The laptop will come with both installation discs (OSX SNOW LEOPARD) and power cable.

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