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Hawking Wireless USB adapter "almost new", this thing WORKS GREAT! $35 shipped

Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
I lost my airport on my ibook 1.44ghz a long time ago and have been using hawking tech stuff, I do have to say this thing works great.

There's nothing else on the market for wireless adapters, this was bought from bestbuy for $65 about 6 months ago.

I can have one bar on my airport " Different comp" and the hawking has a full 100% signal.

I can also pick up signals from a few 1K feet away from my router.

Over all thing thing rocks!!

I has only been used a few times.

Hawking Technologies

OS X tested BY ME Panther, tiger and leopard, works with all of them..

Instantly Detect and Connect to Any Wireless Network or Wireless Hot Spot!

The Hawking HWL2A is an advanced version of the HWL1 and improves on many functions of the previous model. The most obvious is the addtion of a Hi-Speed Wireless-G USB 2.0 Network Adapter for Apple Users (Mac OS10 - 10.3) as well as the ability to differentiate wireless networks with security enabled. The addition of a WiFi Adapter allows the user to detect an 802.11b or 802.11g wireless signal and efforlessly connect to that signal by attaching their Apple laptop or desktop directly to the HWL2A via USB 2.0.

The enclosure design is made of a high quality parts with colors to match your Apple ibook and iPod. Apple OS specfic wireless utility software is included for accessing advanced features of the WiFi Adapter.

The hassle of powering up your laptop and connecting to wireless "Hot-Spots" is now significantly simplified by the HWL2A. Simply push the "Locate" button on the HWL2A, detect and connect. No more guessing and configuring each specific wireless "hot-spot." The HWL2A is equipped with a new, re-designed, flip up directional antenna that serves two purposes:

1) When detecting wireless networks, the Hi-Gain Directional Antenna helps the user determine exactly where the source of the wireless netweork is coming from by showing stronger signals at different angles.

2) When connecting to a wireless network, the Hi-Gain Directional Antenna guarantees the strongest link possible and provides greater distance than Apple Airport Cards due to its advanced 5dBi Antenna.

The HWL2A also automatically recharges its batteries when connected to a laptop so you never have to worry about replacing the batteries.

- Detect and Connect to ANY Wireless b/g Network
- 2 Products in One: WiFi Locator and Wireless-G USB Adapter For Mac Users
- Finds Wireless Networks (Hot-Spots) w/o Taking out Your Apple Laptop - Connects to your Apple Notebook or Desktop with USB 2.0 to access WiFi Networks
- Detects and Indicates Wireless Networks with Security Enabled
- Advanced Hi-Gain Directional Flip-Up Antenna provides Optimal Wireless Range and Performance (Up To 300% over that of Airport Extreme Card)

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