How to seduce a Mac geek
Last year for Macworld ’07, San Francisco Chronicle newspaper sex columnist Violet Blue posted her sexy Macworld tips in a column entitled “How to Seduce a Mac Geek: A Macworld Sex Guide.” When I stumbled upon it this morning, I had a good laugh. It’s fun reading, and don’t worry–it’s safe for work–well, barely. It’s a newspaper web site, so c’mon. 😉 Here’s a taste:
You can tell by how they walk, male or female, that they’ve had a bite of that Apple. It’s obvious that the Mac user is just waiting to be uncorked like a bottle of foamy champagne — and with a few precise techniques, it’s playtime at the Genius Bar in no time. And there are so many Mac geeks in town, it’s practically our civic duty to find out what kind of hot widget-on-widget action gets them through the night. So I offer to you this: a Macworld sex guide.