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exporting clips from Imovie to other file formats

Jan 30, 2007
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i;m very new to iMovie and have so far found it really great to use. I do have a small query though. Can i take a clip from iMovie and export it as another file format so i can use it for other things. Or is there another way to capture footage from a Digital Camcorder that would allow me to store it in standalone media files.

Another small question I have is what extra could i do with Final cut express HD that i can't to in iMovie? I have a copy of it at home but i've not yet installed on my mac yet.

Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
use the share option in imovie. (share it to ipod or quicktime) find the clip and find some sort a free ware to convert to a particular format. since sharing to ipod makes it .m4v and quicktime makes it .mov

hope that helps
Apr 11, 2007
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New Mexico, USA
Your Mac's Specs
15" MBP 2.0 GHz, Core Duo, 2 GB Ram
use the share option in imovie. (share it to ipod or quicktime) find the clip and find some sort a free ware to convert to a particular format. since sharing to ipod makes it .m4v and quicktime makes it .mov

hope that helps

When you export to Quicktime, you can actually choose between quite a few different types of file extension. You can also set the parameters of the movie more easily.

Click Share>>Quicktime

Then use dropdown to select Expert Settings

Then click Share, the next window will open and ask for a file name and location to save too. there will be an Options button, use that to make changes to Audio settings, Aspect Ratio, filetype, etc.



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