Help My ibook of 3 years has had power coard's pin brake off in the powe suply



Help My ibook of 3 years has had 2 pin brake off in it and now it does not work. The battery does not last long and so I have to use a diffent computer after backing file off of it that I care about (most) but I still have 2 pins stuck in it

the first one just made it so a power coard just did not fit in all the way the second one make it so I can not power it up

My ideas on how to fix it so far in volve a dril and a clap to clamp the computer

Please help ASAP
Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
Coruscant, Galactic Republic
Your Mac's Specs
14" iBook G3 900/640/40 _ _ Power Macintosh G3 All-In-One 315/768/20 _ _ 20 GB iPod
g3tog4 said:
Help My ibook of 3 years has had 2 pin brake off in it and now it does not work. The battery does not last long and so I have to use a diffent computer after backing file off of it that I care about (most) but I still have 2 pins stuck in it

the first one just made it so a power coard just did not fit in all the way the second one make it so I can not power it up

My ideas on how to fix it so far in volve a dril and a clap to clamp the computer

Please help ASAP

I'm having some difficulty figuring out what exactly you're talking about. Do you have any photos?



Padawan said:
I'm having some difficulty figuring out what exactly you're talking about. Do you have any photos?

well I don't realy have any picture but it is the tip of the power coard that gose in to the DC thing on the computer

___| <-- this top part is the part that is borken off in computer

replace the "_" with " "


Take a gander at your ibook G3 power plug.....others may be the same, I can't say! Anyways, the tip of the "phono" jack in the middle busts off. Thus making it hard to get the new one in and the old tip just widens out those pins until it refuses to charge. I picked up my first ibook this way and fixed it. Fixing an ibook is not for the light hearted, I can say that for sure. It's not that hard, but it's tedious. It took me 8 hours, but I was caring for a machine at the same time. If you decide to retire it, I would be glad to buy it from you and repair it. In which case, I could back up what's on the hard drive for you and send it to you on cd's. Good luck fixing it though!!


I think I prity much got it fixed just have to put the thing back to gether

First I had to get he DC board out and then I pried out the back of the conecter gently and it came out and I pushed a gulery scew driver through and use a set of large plier like griper thing to sqease it back in


you're much better off replacing the DC in board. I realize that it may appear as if you've fixed it and nobody can be the real judge of that....only the test. But, when I replaced mine, I ordered the part and had it ready. When it wouldn't turn on after I put it back together with the old board, without the battery...I yanked the old one and got rid of the problem :D


i have 2 of those adapters if you want one i am selling them for what i paid for them 38.00 a pop and the both are new got them on ebay sent my unit back to apple and they gave me another one brand new and did other repairs it turned out i was still under warranty so if you or anyone else wants one leave shipping info and send me an email to purchase

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