web browsers it desaturates the photos 10% to 15%.

May 18, 2006
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New Zealand
Hi There

I not sure if this right place for this....

I am developing website for photographer and when I up load the photos to the website and view them a web browsers it desaturates the photos 10% to 15%. But when you view then in PS they are correct??? (the working color space is adobe 1998 RGB)

so to get them correct saturation in the browers I have to add 10% to 15% saturation

has any one come across this before when uploading there photos on to the web?




Hi hippy.green.

I have a SmugMug account and late last year they started asking members to upload photos only in sRGB (which is a Windoze colour space profile) and I think this makes them look pretty bland myself: maybe this is what you are looking for?


Well no matter what the spiel SmugMug gives us, 95% of the computers in this world use that profile so guess some of those websites bend over backwards to accommodate WinBoxes.

Personally? I feel kinda sad to see that the Web standard has been altered, not for something better but just because a majority uses a built-in standard that isn't meant to be cross-platform. Too bad the basic principle of complete compatibility with all computing platforms on the Internet has been lost to the Windoze bully.

Anyway, rant over. I think that explains all the bland coloured photos we see out there now.

Oh and about Safari. It's a work in progress, so I'm pretty sure they'll try to correct the rendering of colours in the next increments.

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