Laser Printer can't print DCS 2.0 file

Jul 26, 2006
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I cannot print a Photoshop DCS 2.0 .eps cmyk with spot colour file through Quark 6.5 on the Epson AL C8600 can you please advise. All the cmyk is printing but not the DCS file.

How can I output the Photoshop DCS 2.0 .ep through Quark on the Epson C8600?

Any ideas?


The only thing I can think of is if you tell Quark it needs to out put it to a PostScript 3 printer. But then again I'm just starting to learn this stuff.

Are you using the Epson through OS X or earlier? I looked at the system requirements and the literature keeps excluding OS X for the Mac in all categories...

I have a big exam lined up today that will last all day but will try to ask around school to see what could be the problem but I won't be able to get back at you till much later tonight though.

In the meantime, another member will probably come up with the correct answer.

Edited to add:

A thought occurred to me: could it be because the CMYK files are separated from the DCS 2.0 file? If they are not residing in the same folder, this could happen. I made that mistake with our first trial with DCS 2.0 files and I had moved the DCS 2.0 file and I could not get all the correct print-out.


Sorry for getting back to you so late on this query.

I asked a teacher this morning and, from what I gather, DCS 2.0 is when you have in your doc Pantone colours or, if it is a CMYK doc, you have a 5th colour, possibly Pantone.

From the info you gave me, you are trying to print a CMYK doc using the DCS 2.0 file format which, according to my source, isn't required, not to mention that saving in DCS 2.0 is quite tricky with all the possible options. You should save your Photoshop doc in CMYK and print that through Quark instead.

Hope this helps.
Sep 9, 2006
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Your Mac's Specs
It's been a while since I used DCS (actually, never had to use one professionally yet) but from what I remember, it allows you to save out a single image as multiple files - one for each channel. Since you were saying it's an EPS format, this is the reason it won't print. I'm fairly sure that inkjet printers (and laser too, I guess) won't print eps images. Is there any particular reason for using DCS?

Even if it's in Quark, it still probably won't print because the file would be linked (and embedded wouldn't make a difference.)

One possible solution, is to pdf your document if possible, and print that way. I'm fairly sure that would clear up the problem.

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