Am I doing something wrong? (3 questions)



Or is the G3 ibook just not that good?
(sorry for all the questions. I'm still trying to get into macs)

1. Here's the problem, Diablo2 runs really bad. It's a really old, 2d game, but it runs very choppy. Any ideas?

2. Also, how come when I run some programs (like X-Chat) a white disc drive looking icon appears on the desktop?

3. Finally, how do you choose where you want to install something?


Humm, I haven't played any games on my iBooks yet, so I can't really answer #1.

But for # 2, It sounds like you are clicking on a DMG file, which mounts the image and then opens a window showing the program at which time you click on it and it starts. Is that about right.....? If so, after the "white disk" appears, copy the program to a folder on your drive. Remember where you put it so you can open it again. I usually put my programs in the Applications folder and create an Alias to the desktop for the most used.

For # 3, there are several ways a program may be installed on your Mac, but the most common way is to drag the program from the mounted image or extracted folder to whereever you want to put it. Yep, It's that simple. (in most cases)


well...I don't know how much memmory you have...but diablo is still a fairly big also depends on which model g3 you have...though I imagine it should work fine....I don't know. The only game I've actually played on my powerbook....though it is a powerbook and not an iBook, was the demo for neverwinter nights...and it worked fine..that was the demo though....similar type game..just a bit more graphically advanced....I also have quite a bit of memmory.....I didn't know you could get diablo for mac....though I guess all blizzard games have gone to mac now a days..

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