12in or 14in ibook which one is right 4 me?



Hello, well in one week I plan to purchase my first mac and since it's my first mac I don't want to spend to much money, so I am thinking about getting the 12in or the 14in ibook

I am looking at the 12in 800Mhz and the 14in 933Mhz ibook, I will go to my local Apple Store as well as MicroCenter to check them out, I am just wondering which one might be best for me, I mainly using my computer for writing and the internet, and I also will be using iphoto, since I am alwyas taking pictures,so I am trying to decide which one to get, and since this will be my first time making the switch I am a bit nervous, I just don't want to make a bad purchase, I have been researching macs for months now.

So if I am a first time Mac/Apple Computer user which computer the 12in 800 or the 14in 933Mhz would be best for me. I do plan to buy one from a store since I am new and if I like the MAC in a company of years I will order one BTO, but for right now I will buy one like they are, any suggestions would help

Also what are the pros and cons of both machine's


A Soon to be MAC User
Nov 4, 2003
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Southern Indiana
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Mac Pro Quad Xeon 2.66GHz 3GB RAM, G4 Quicksilver w/Sonnet 1GHz Encore ST, 1ghz G4 Powerbook
I bought the 14" iBook a year ago. Some complain about the extra weight, but that isn't an issue with me. So, If the extra weight is a problem for you, then go with the 12". As for me, the larger screen made it a no-brainer.


additionally, the 12' seems to be dogged by some recurrent problems whereas you never hear of anyone complaining of 14" hardware or fit and finish problems. the 14" is definitely faster, even though some people don't think it makes that big of a difference. it does. the screen on the 14" is awesome.


i went for the 14" instead of the 12" and im glad i did, its noticeably faster and the screen is excellent. if you can afford the extra then go for the 14" without a doubt


Ok I just came from the Apple Store, MicroCenter and CompUSA, I know what u thinking **** he went to alot of places, but hey they not to far from each other so I went around to all of them, I spent most of my time playing on them in the Apple Store(King Of Prussia,PA). I still like both the 12in and the 14in, this is gonna be a hard decision, I don't know how much I will get in my next pay check but that will reflect which machine I buy, but I will buy one of them, and regardless of which one I buy I am sure it will be a nice machine, is there any software anyone would also recommend, I looked at Office for Mac, and that looks really nice, I still need help in the ibook department any assistance would really help me.



used the 12" at uni bought the 14", take a leaf out of harleys line there aint no substitute for.....inches in this case best buy ive made for a long time. :)


I have made my choice, the 12in ibook is not for me, it was just to small for me, so I have decided to go for the Apple ibook 14in.


12" rules the school

I recently bought a 12" iBook, and just love it. I am a college student and it just barely fits on my desk. There are probably four or five other computers in the class, but no one can use them because they do't fit on the desk. As a matter of fact on the second day, someone dropped their laptop, and the screen bezel popped open, and the wrist rest fell off! I felt so bad for them, but they had a crappy wintel from DellHell. So if size is a consideration go with the smaller one, after all the screens have exactly the same resolution, and the speed difference is negligable.


I can see why people could use the 12", but I am glad we took a look in person. Man...that 12" is pretty small....we are going w/ the 14. I think we would be straining to use the 12" at home for the internet, etc.


Bluecrabby said:
I recently bought a 12" iBook, and just love it. I am a college student and it just barely fits on my desk. There are probably four or five other computers in the class, but no one can use them because they do't fit on the desk. As a matter of fact on the second day, someone dropped their laptop, and the screen bezel popped open, and the wrist rest fell off! I felt so bad for them, but they had a crappy wintel from DellHell. So if size is a consideration go with the smaller one, after all the screens have exactly the same resolution, and the speed difference is negligable.

you must live at the north pole where desks are very tiny because they are used by elves.


No, loving in the northpole is not a requirement for small desks unfortunately. Schools simply have no money anymore, I live in a upper-middle-class neihborhood, but our high school's heating system failed the other day when it was 4 degree fahrenhiet outside, the school had to be closed, just because people don't want a tiny raise in their taxes.


im in a similar boat, swithering between the 12" and 14". The thing is, if they both do the same resolution then there cant be any difference surely? (well, apart from the 14" one being more 'magnified'). Is there any other things i should know about when choosing. Frankly i like the idea of 'the smaller the better'....



well obviously its size versus power, yeah the rez is the same but it makes a **** of a lot of difference still. and as mentioned, the 933 is quite noticeably faster imo

but if your big on the whole size thing and dont need the extra horsepower then yeah go for it, both are excellent machines ;)


jonnyturner said:
the 933 is quite noticeably faster imo.
dont need the extra horsepower then yeah go for it, both are excellent machines ;)

I'll be using it for webdesign, some programming, listening to music and watching dvd's and browsing the net.

what i wont be doing is running 3d packages or other such processor heavy stuff, im really wanting to keep it minimal, and portability is high on my agenda. I doubt the change in processor speed will really bother me that much. i run a p3 800mhz at home and thats never bothered me one bit. i presume even the 12" ibook will be more powerful than my pc so im not too fussed.

A guy i work with brought in his 14" ibook for me to play with. Its utterly beautiful, but a wee bit heavier than i had thought it would be. But there's plenty screen and its still really small and cute. I know however, that i would adore the 12" one. im gonna go and check how much lighter it is :)

One thing, how long do batteries last for? im hearing conflicting reports but all seem to fall around the 5hr mark? (im not only new to macs, but laptops too! :| )

thanks in advance. im excited now.



yeah itll be laughably faster than the PC so you're onto a winner either way.

By the sound of what you're gonna be running, either model will be great. obviously for web design you'd see the benefit of the larger screen, but i know what you're saying, the 12" is a beauty :)

my original idea was the 12" but i just worried that the novelty would wear off and id wish i got the bigger screen.

but like i say, you'll love either one, theyre both equally great machines :)


hehe, aw man! this is getting complicated!

yeah, im worried about the novelty thing too. but i think the smallness of it would get me over the lack of big screen....after all, its not like i grudge my phone for having such a small screen...i can still use that fine...i guess its all relative.

fthere is still the alternative option of the 12" powerbook...that way i get the increased spec *and* the 12" screen...or is that a matter for another thread? :)



haha, now thats a different matter altogether man ;)

IF the 12" powerbook were an option, then the decisions made ;)

lets leave it this way - WHICHEVER you buy, you aint gonna be disappointed


Surely the screen size issue is still there with the powerbook though?

or are we just saying that since the spec is increased im getting the best of both worlds?

****, its all gonna be on a finance agreement anyway, so i may as well push it and go for the best i can get :) might chuck a 20gb ipod in there too... :D

hehe, thanks man.



haha no probs man, yeah the increased specs would make me *ahem* forget the 2" smaller screen

enjoy anyway mate, i know you're gonna :)

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