Converting mov format to DVD and windows computers

Dec 11, 2014
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I have a lot of videos from my old iPhone4 and cannot get them on a DVD to share with friends. When I put them on a disc, some are sideways oriented. I also cannot see them on my DVD player. What program (for a beginner) would allow me to do this?
Oct 12, 2013
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When you transfer the movies off the iphone does this load into iTunes setup? Or can you access them from the left hand side of the finder screen when opening up on the computer. Also what OSX are you using on the main computer. What might be happening is Iphone will have a smaller recording foot print and different compression when transferring across onto the main computer which will use Quicktime as standard to correct the sync. If this goes via itunes then you will need to find the itune folder that stores all the Music in Finder and select your iphone movies and click on these so Quicktime can convert into MOV format. MOV format can be used in DVD via iMovie app for you to edit and share with iDvd. Bit long winded.

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