Power adapter and Window problems

Sep 29, 2003
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Black MacBook. Once you go black, you never go back. 2.0 Ghz Intel Core Duo; 2 GB RAM; 80 GB HDD
Sometimes when I plug in my power adapter when the battery is low, the light on the adapter will not turn amber, but instead it will keep blinking the green light on and off. this does NOT charge the battery and it also creates a spinning sound in the computer which runs in accordance with the flashinng light on the power adapter. anybody else having this problem?

also, i am very new to the mac platform. my question is about the size of the windows. i want my browswer window and iChat window and all these things to stay a certain size, but they don't. i'll make it the size i want and then when i restart the computer or restart the application it will resize itself to whatever it feels like. sometimes large and sometimes small. i know it's a pretty crazy question, but how do i make it stay the size i want?

thanks for your help!
Jul 22, 2003
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Hamilton College
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20" iMac C2D 2.16ghz, 13" MacBook 2.0ghz, 60gb iPod vid, 1gb nano
not sure how to help you with the power but i can help with the window sizing.

what you do is you open up the program
resize the windows to what you want
do a full quit of the program

now whenever you open the program it will have you sizes just as long as you dont quit it after using a different size


You could try reseting the power managment unit by turning computer off, pressing control-option-power button, wait 5 secs, then press power button to restart.
Sep 29, 2003
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Your Mac's Specs
Black MacBook. Once you go black, you never go back. 2.0 Ghz Intel Core Duo; 2 GB RAM; 80 GB HDD
George said:
You could try reseting the power managment unit by turning computer off, pressing control-option-power button, wait 5 secs, then press power button to restart.

i went to the apple store in soho and they figured out that the power adapter was defective. they gave me a new one and the problem seems to be fixed...for now. i've had this powerbook for 2 months and i had 5 repairs done on it already. anybody wanting to buy an apple, i do not reccomend it. at least if you have a problem with a DELL they give you money back or a pocket pc(real life stories i've eye witnessed). apple wouldn't even backup my computer for free on my 3rd repair, they insisted that i pay the $50 to do it.

btw, how do i backup my computer? this is my first mac so i'm pretty clueless. thanks.

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