HDD doesn't function, but works as external

Oct 23, 2011
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Series of events:
1. After bringing up my MacBook Pro from sleep, I couldn't save anything, so I rebooted.
2. It wouldn't boot up, the computer just showed Apple logo.. I couldn't open in safe mode, but managed to load Recovery HD
- when trying to repair or format the drive, I was getting "unmount error".
3. I was told that my drive might be bad, so I bought a new one.
4. After I installed Lion OS on the new disk, I put it inside.. and got the same problem as with the old drive.
5. I have noticed that both drives work fine when connected as external via USB.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Would buying a new hdd connector cable help?

Thank you in advance.
Oct 24, 2011
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The same problem

hi cactus331
i have the EXACTLY the same problem.
exactly that night when Steve Jobs departed the problem began
you can see all the story on www.macrumors.com/http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1253445
MacRumors Forums > Apple Hardware > Notebooks > MacBook Pro >insert new hdd and then... (maybe page 2)

you can do some urgent attempts to access your file if you have back ups
(as i done)

use a hdd box and restore the back ups so you can run mac via usb 2.

pls share your ideas if find new things to solve the problem
hope to any help

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