Needed some advice on new iMac

Jul 29, 2010
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I want to buy an iMac, and the two best deals are either the cheap
1200$ one or the 2000$ one.
I am a college student that wants a multi-tasking machine that is
for music production and for CS5! I should have enough for either
of them but if I get the cheaper one that leaves me with money to get other things.
Maxed out the cheaper one is 1329$ with 8gbs and the rest stock.
The other one I would only upgrade the Processor cause I won't be able
to upgrade it later, so it would be $2,079. Thats a 750$ upgrade, and thats
double the HD space, a HD 5750, i7 QUAD-CORE and not to mention a 27" screen!

I am confident in Mac Computers, even though all I hear is people telling me to just build my own computer, because for 2000$ I could be a six core yada yada yada. But I did the math, and if you add a 27" screen, case, i7, and all the others, it's pretty much the same price, the only thing is the mac would have slower memory ar 1333 instead being able to get 1600-2000.

So what you think?


Actually, you're probably not pricing the "build your own" option correctly. To really match the iMac you'd have to use a IPS, LED-backlit 27" screen. Good luck finding that for less than 1000 just by itself ...

You should probably get the i7. You can put off buying the extended AppleCare till later (within the first year of purchase), that should save a few bucks.
May 23, 2010
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Broke through Heaven
Your Mac's Specs
iMac i5 27", MacBook Air 2010 13"
Get the i5 for 2k or the i7 for 2,2k. everything below is just not worth it.
Jul 24, 2010
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the Brun

Thats what I was thinking, the i7 chip is fast as ****, not to mention that a 4 core that is multi-thread has 4 virtual cores.
The only other that is a good deal is the cheapest one, but then you miss out on a good cpu and gpu.
If I save 2000$ the iMac would be the best choice, esp. for a musician.
Because Logic is like the #1 software with Pro Tools just behind it!

My friends put me a build together thinking that for 2000$ I could have
a huge sdd and 2tbs of HD all at sata 3. But there are a lot of down
falls to this, because if my computer crashed then I would be calling 10 companies trying to get a refund and repair.

Like you said the apple screens are what make these seem so expensive, I never add in the case, screen and great package of software that comes with the mac.

Well I should be able to get a computer around 2000$ so the i7 iMac is
the only thing to get. If i didn't have them few friends who build there would be no question at all.
Jul 24, 2010
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Hey what do you guys think of this, would I be better off getting an
i7 iMac 27" or the cheapre Mac Pro?

Well I know there is going to be an update on the two, so I was wondering
if I should consider the cheaper one.
I say this because it's only 2300$ while the iMac would cost me 2100$, so I thought if I got the Mac Pro I could just upgrade for the next 10 years lol.
I already have 3 monitors and any other accessary. I just like the idea that I can update as I go along, and if they put the 8core into the cheaper one for that price I won't need to ask your opinion!!

what you think?


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Staff member
May 20, 2008
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Your Mac's Specs
2017 15" MBP, 16gig ram, 1TB SSD, OS 10.15
...would I be better off getting an
i7 iMac 27" or the cheapre Mac Pro?

Well I know there is going to be an update on the two...

Updates for the iMac & Mac Pro were just two days ago.

- Nick
Jul 24, 2010
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Well I don't think the Mac Pro's got it on the website yet, cause isn't it suppose to have 12 cores?
They only show the quad and 8 core setups?

But I am familiar with the xeon chips or the GT 120 gpus,
but as far as performance wise is the Cheaper stock Mac Pro
better than a quad i7 iMac?

I am just throwing that out there cuz it wouldn't be a big increase to get
the mac pro, and seems like the mac pro is more upgradable than the iMac,
just like a regular computer!


The updated 12 core Mac Pros have been announced and are on Apple's site, but are not available to BUY until August so they are not yet on the RETAIL part of the site.
Jul 24, 2010
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I have been thinking and even if I did get the mac pro, it would cost me
hella to get it all upgraded. So I would only get it if I saved up hellla.

I am thinking since I am in school a MacTop Pro, would probably be more
suitable, because of the portability and what not. I already have a Dell XPS laptop that was given to me as a present for school, but its a hand down thats like 2 years old, so by next year it's going to be a dinasour.

See I want to have my cake and eat it, meaning I want to buy a mac and
also build me a computer. Obviously when getting a iMac your paying a lot of money for the best screen money can buy, so it would be great to have for programs like cs4 and then CS5. As far as music production goes I know that all real musicians use macs, I got a book of band home studios and every last one has a mac, a barely even mess with PC.

But I am going to the store today so hopefully getting on one again will put me at ease. I mainly want to get the 1900$ iMac i5 quad, or maybe the i7 but I will have to see.
Jul 24, 2010
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tattles Charleston

Hey is the Quad i5 760(the one in the iMac) better than the AMD 1090?

I found a hierarchy chart at toms, and it showed only the i5 750, and it was better so I assume it is better.

Would paying an extra 180$ for the i7 be worth over the i5?
Because the 1900$ price tag sounds more desireable, while the 2079$ starts getting a little to high!

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