Well I did it - bought my first MBP

Jul 26, 2009
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Despite being ridiculously over priced :eek: I bought my first MPB. I tried to get folks on here to give me a compelling reason to spend hundreds of dollars more (in my example the MB was $800 more) for arguably inferior technical specifications - nobody could give me a sound, compelling reason other than 'its just better OK', so I came up with my own.

Although some were incredulous to my remark that I really like the track pad....in the end that's why I bought my MB! I also like the fact that (I'm told but still skeptical) that you can run Windows apps.....from what I have read this sounds like a mixed bag experience and I haven't had an opportunity yet to even begin trying to load Windows on this thing.

I am hoping to become a believer, only time will tell.......kind of a bit of irony couple days ago, at a presentation the guy with the MB had nothing but trouble getting a video (that he made on his MB) to play - lol :Smirk: . The Windows machine of another guy was flawless. Of course this would happen because I have been telling my wife that a MB is supposed to be so much better.....naturally she took this opportunity to give me that 'yeah sure' look.
Aug 2, 2009
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Louisville, KY
Your Mac's Specs
13in- Macbook Pro Unibody, 2.53GHz, 4G DDR3, 250G HDD
I just bought my first macbook pro 2 weeks ago, and am already in love with it.

To respond to the presentation thing, not everyone knows how to work a computer right, the MB guy could have had very limited idea of what he was doing, while windows guy is a IT junkie. Both OS X and Vista are solid OS's contrary to what you may have heard, its just using them and learning them in and out to fix the small problems that occur.

Dont let other people make decisions for you, read up and make the choice your self, although if you can justify the cost at some point im sure you'll be happy with your decision.
Jul 26, 2009
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I".....To respond to the presentation thing, not everyone knows how to work a computer right..."

Agreed but you know the if this had been reversed, the Apple zealots would decry that it is an example of Windows - not user, performance. Right?


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May 20, 2008
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Your Mac's Specs
2017 15" MBP, 16gig ram, 1TB SSD, OS 10.15
Despite being ridiculously over priced :eek: I bought my first MPB. I tried to get folks on here to give me a compelling reason to spend hundreds of dollars more (in my example the MB was $800 more) for arguably inferior technical specifications - nobody could give me a sound, compelling reason other than 'its just better OK', so I came up with my own.

You sound very very negative about your purchase, and if it was so over-priced (along with the other negatives you mentioned)...why the heck did you buy it!!!

Spending lots of money for inferior specifications, your doubtful you can run windows on it, and you seem to be skeptical about the video.

Sounds like a pretty silly & immature decision on your part!

- Nick
Jul 26, 2009
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You sound very very negative about your purchase, and if it was so over-priced (along with the other negatives you mentioned)...why the heck did you buy it!!!

Spending lots of money for inferior specifications, your doubtful you can run windows on it, and you seem to be skeptical about the video.

Sounds like a pretty silly & immature decision on your part!

- Nick

Lol....I hadn't really considered buying a MB to be silly and immature but I do see your point. Yes, perhaps it was. But its only money and I'm a 'products' person so I consider this a 'study' to see if there is any truth to the myths.

Seriously I hope to become a big fan. I do like the user interface in general and the multi gesture trackpad is just down right cool....if Apple comes out this fall with a touch screen iMac I may be getting me some of that!

This is my wife's MB and she doesn't really care about OS she just needed a new laptop. I suspect at first she will find the MB more difficult because it is unfamiliar. It will be interesting to see if she begins to use the Apple side more or stays on the Windows side. Hmmmmmmmm ;D


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May 20, 2008
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Your Mac's Specs
2017 15" MBP, 16gig ram, 1TB SSD, OS 10.15
Lol....I hadn't really considered buying a MB to be silly and immature but I do see your point. Yes, perhaps it was. But its only money and I'm a 'products' person so I consider this a 'study' to see if there is any truth to the myths.

Seriously I hope to become a big fan. I do like the user interface in general and the multi gesture trackpad is just down right cool....if Apple comes out this fall with a touch screen iMac I may be getting me some of that!

I'm glad you have a sense of humor, recognize how negative you sound about the MacBook purchase you made, and how illogical it would seem for someone to purchase an approximate $1200+ computer...and then "out of the gate" be criticizing it.

Maybe you got plenty of money...and this purchase for you is like buying a couple of double cheeseburgers off the dollar menu at McDonald's is for the rest of us "poor people"! Ha Ha! ;D

Also, since you mentioned this computer is for your wife...I can also understand your more objective (or maybe a bit negative) opinion of the computer, even though you just purchased it.

Sometimes we buy things for our wives...not because we agree with the purchase...but to make or keep them happy!!! :D

Good luck with the computer. Maybe after you get a chance to "play" with it a bit you will become more comfortable with the hardware & the Mac OS.

- Nick
Oct 19, 2007
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I just bought my first MBP as well this weekend... couldn't resist the 18 month no interest financing from Best Buy!. My conversion from the dark side (Windows) is now complete. I bought an iMac to replace my PC two years ago and love it, but I still had a Windows laptop for when I was on the road. Not anymore. Anyone want to buy a 6 year old Toshiba laptop with a bad hinge? :)

Feb 23, 2009
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21" iMac * 2.8 Ghz Intel Core i7 * 16GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 * 1TB HD *AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB
Running Windows will be a mixed bag depending on how you do it. If you boot right into Windows, it will run at least as well as it would on any other laptop. If you use virtualization software, you'll still be able to run programs, but media and graphics intensive ones will not run as well. For me, the extra cost isn't really extra at all when you consider how sturdy the MBP is, the quality of the included apps like Garageband and Time Machine, the quality of third party apps that integrate well with mac OS (thanks to a strong development community), the ease of maintenance, the intuitive GUI, the great customer service, the secure Unix underpinnings, the lack of crapware and stickers cluttering up the inside and outside of the computer, etc etc.
Jul 26, 2009
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"...the extra cost isn't really extra at all when you consider how sturdy the MBP is, ..."

A newbie like me has to stop reading all the posts on this forum. Reading all the trouble reports makes me wonder just how sturdy the MB really is? All of the troubles reported hear are pretty disturbing for a new person. I was kind of led into a belief that MB dont crash etc. etc. Apparently they have many problems too. I hope mine turns out to be one of the good ones!


Well-known member
Staff member
May 20, 2008
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Your Mac's Specs
2017 15" MBP, 16gig ram, 1TB SSD, OS 10.15
A newbie like me has to stop reading all the posts on this forum. Reading all the trouble reports makes me wonder just how sturdy the MB really is? All of the troubles reported hear are pretty disturbing for a new person. I was kind of led into a belief that MB dont crash etc. etc. Apparently they have many problems too. I hope mine turns out to be one of the good ones!

You gotta remember that the posts of folks having problems on this website probably represent far far less than 1% of all owners. That of course means that far far more than 99% of owners are trouble free!

If someone was a "Macintosh" person, and decided to convert to a "Wintel" machine (God forbid...Ha ha)...and if they started frequenting a "Wintel" internet forum...they would probably be reading all sorts of horror stories about "Wintel" computers as well.

Just gotta keep things in perspective.

- Nick
Feb 23, 2009
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Your Mac's Specs
21" iMac * 2.8 Ghz Intel Core i7 * 16GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 * 1TB HD *AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB
It's still a computer and it's always possible to experience problems that others face, except, I'd guess, far less frequently and without the whole thing going to pot. The good news is that if there are any big problems, they'll replace it or fix it, and a year's worth of AppleCare is included and you only have to deal with one company rather than three (Microsoft, the software company and the computer manufacturer). I've had mine for over a year now and haven't had any major issues at all. Most of the little issues I've had were due to not knowing exactly what to do.

I have to say that many of the problems I've seen here on the forums have been related to people doing things they shouldn't (using someone else's install disc) or being impatient with having to learn a new OS (not realizing that a dmg can be ejected after app installation), though some of the actual problems are common enough that there are usually fixes for it.
Sep 4, 2006
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London, UK
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MacBook Air | iPad | iPhone | iPod Classic | iPod Shuffle | no more money
... I bought my MB!...

Obviously if you do have any problems getting those pesky Windows apps to work then I am sure the regulars here will be able to assist.

I just bought my first macbook pro 2 weeks ago, and am already in love with it.
Congrats also!

Dont let other people make decisions for you, read up and make the choice your self....
I completely 100% agree with you!

If you want the item then it is worth it!

May 30, 2009
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
MacBook Air 13" Ultimate (2010)
I just bought my first macbook pro 2 weeks ago, and am already in love with it.

To respond to the presentation thing, not everyone knows how to work a computer right, the MB guy could have had very limited idea of what he was doing, while windows guy is a IT junkie. Both OS X and Vista are solid OS's contrary to what you may have heard, its just using them and learning them in and out to fix the small problems that occur.

Dont let other people make decisions for you, read up and make the choice your self, although if you can justify the cost at some point im sure you'll be happy with your decision.

A real IT-junkie would use Linux and not Windows. Oh yes, my desktop does have a WinXP-partition, but solely for gaming purposes. For everything else, Windows is a lousy OS.

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