iBook CD/DVD bundled burning software



Hello everyone

So i'm saving for a 14" iBook (Combi or Superdrive) - As i need a laptop . Use Linux at work and at home and love it, but don't think a Linux laptop is the best solution as need powerpoint for presentations and stuff (At least that's my excuse!)

What comes with the iBook in terms of CD/DVD burning software. Will I have to buy toast or other software to:

1) Make data CD/DVDs

2) Do direct CD to CD or DVD to DVD copying.

(I want to be able to take copies of my CD/DVDs with me when travelling or to keep in the car rather than the real thing. Likewise to use at the office where I work. i.e. Fair use copying rather than stealling!)

Can OSX do this directly? or do I need a nero clone? I know iTune can burn CDs of your playlists - but with a small hard drive I would just like to copy the CD with out going through the "middle man" and keeping them on my HD as well.

Thanks for your help!
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas
Your Mac's Specs
PowerMac G4 Cube 450mhz 832mb
you can burn data dvds or cds ni the finder, and I think you can copy cds using disk utility, im not sure about dvds since most are protected and must be ripped and cant be just copied.

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